Feng Shui Conversations – Poison Arrows

You will often hear about 'poison arrows' in Feng Shui books. These are sharp corners and are said to bring negative energy to a point and then like an arrow, they shoot that energy towards you. They can be found both externally and internally in your place. Externally, they are often seen in sharp corners of buildings and roads that point directly to your apartment or house. You can counter these with mirrors, plants and other remedIes. However; I want to focus on the poison arrows inside your space and the main culprits and how to cure these. Furniture

2023-08-13T11:00:40+00:00October 6th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Conversations – Poison Arrows

How To Start Your Feng Shui Journey

It was over 20 years ago when a friend convinced me to attend a Feng Shui class. She owned a kitchen business which is a key room in Feng Shui practice and had read lots of books. I went along and was hooked. After attending the course, I was fascinated to learn about placement, balance and other aspects. However; it was the Compass school and I started to get confused. Friends know that I get lost in a building, so using a compass isn't even in my mindset! I let it go and just used the basics. We moved

2019-09-29T13:18:47+00:00September 29th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on How To Start Your Feng Shui Journey

Feng Shui Common Sense

A friend in Switzerland - where we were living, had broken up with her boyfriend. She asked me how she could resolve this part of her life as it was important to her. Having an interest in Feng Shui, she invited me to her apartment. Of course, the first room we entered was the relationship corner. This happened to be her spare bedroom - it had a single mattress propped against the wall and she was using the room as her ironing and laundry space. It didn't need much discussion to figure out what she needed to do! She

2019-09-22T17:07:40+00:00September 22nd, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Common Sense

Feng Shui Conversations – How Do I Use the Bagua Map?

Recently, I have had requests on how to use the Bagua map when you have a double storey place, a mezzanine or an L-shaped apartment. It can be confusing so let's look at the overall basics. Get a floor plan of your whole space or draw one; it doesn't have to be pretty. Include balconies, gardens, bay windows and garages. If they are attached to the place then they are part of the whole structure and should be included in the plan. Place the Bagua map over your floor plan and you should have your main entrance in to

2023-08-23T10:01:56+00:00September 15th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Conversations – How Do I Use the Bagua Map?

Feng Shui Conversations – Moving House

Recently, friends have been moving out of their old place and in to a new space. It is a time to say goodbye to past experiences and move forward to welcome the new. Most of us move due to a new stage in life, job or due to unforeseen events. So it is important in Feng Shui practice, to thank your home, let go of what happened and embrace your next living environment. Say Goodbye This is the opportunity to declutter and to sell or donate possessions. I always recommend those who are moving on from the past, to

2023-08-23T10:07:39+00:00September 8th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Conversations – Moving House

Feng Shui Conversations – Missing Sectors

If you have read earlier posts, you know that you place the Bagua map over your floor plan with the Career Sector wall over your main entrance and placed as if you were entering that space. This means that your front door - an important Feng Shui factor, will either be in Inner Knowledge or Career or the Travel and Helpful People sectors. Don't forget balconies and gardens as part of the overall grid of 9 sections. If you have a double storey place, you will need to orient the Bagua map from the entrance you step in to.

2023-08-08T06:22:12+00:00September 1st, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Conversations – Missing Sectors

How to Bring Nature Into Your Home

Many of my friends have discussed the struggles the world is currently experiencing and know we are blessed to live in a peaceful country. We say we feel helpless and, like many, are unable to cope with the world out there and are retreating to manage our immediate place, our 'village'. At the same time, interior design and homeware stores highlight the trends of eco-products, recycling and bringing nature and organic aspects in to our homes to create a space of inner balance. Wood When I studied art, I saw a wonderful documentary asking a child to draw nature

2023-08-23T12:47:34+00:00August 25th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on How to Bring Nature Into Your Home

Moving in to a New Home

Congratulations, you are moving in! Getting the keys to a new space is a mixture of a sugar rush high and a tight bubble of anxiety. It is a new beginning and a chance to start another life chapter or to re-invent yourself. It doesn't matter if you are buying or renting, you need to enter the house or apartment the right way. It doesn't matter if you are freshly married, taking the next step and moving in with your partner or making that big life change, it can be overwhelming. Get Ready When moving, it is a great

2023-08-23T12:45:19+00:00August 16th, 2019|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Moving in to a New Home

Feng Shui Basics – Fire

So many song lyrics come to mind! 'We didn't start the fire', 'come on baby light my fire', 'a ring of fire', 'great balls of fire', 'can't start a fire without a spark' - I could go on but let's view the Fire element in Feng Shui. In its positive form it represents energy,  action, love and passion. In its negative form, it can be seen as anger, aggression and too much heat. The key colours that partner with Fire are shades of red and purple. Other elements that partner with Fire - Wood feeds Fire, Fire nourishes Earth

2023-08-23T12:41:08+00:00August 10th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Fire

Let’s Start At the Very Beginning…

As holidays are coming to an end and as they do, we all start to look at new beginnings, the new school academic year starts, work colleagues return from final summer breaks and we start all over again. I have re-posted this first step in to Feng Shui for beginners. It is a very good place to start - as the song goes! Where Do I Start? Using the Bagua Map, you should have completed the process below. Create a drawing of your whole space within a square Place the map on a drawing of your whole living place

2024-12-15T15:04:48+00:00August 3rd, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Let’s Start At the Very Beginning…
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