
Inspiration + Colour + Placement = Balance


2403, 2025

Feng Shui Colours – Brown

Next month, Easter will appear in France with lovely chocolate shaped as chickens, rabbits and even bells, as ancient signs of fertility, a new life and beginning. I love a piece of dark chocolate and it is an ingredient and colour that symbolises warmth, comfort and luxury. In Feng Shui practice, the colour brown represents the Earth element and is the centre of your total living space. It is all about a sense of safety, reliability and grounding. Use the colour carefully as it settles and calms down energy, particularly water. If you are looking to activate a sector's energy, other

1603, 2025

You’ve Got to Have Friends

It was a dark and stormy night. It actually was and on a Friday night our closest friends got together for an apero. It was a mixture of cultures and food. New York style peach martinis followed by French white wine. Coronation quiche served with French cheeses and homemade soda bread alongside a cricket bat board of mixed spices, dried quinces, English water crackers and red pepper hummus. Finally, blueberry cake with crème anglaise was happily eaten and we all went home warmed by good conversation, food and humour. What more could we want? As the CEO of the World Kitchen,

903, 2025

Orange – Feng Shui

Vincent van Gogh, a lover of this colour, said, "There is no orange without blue." What is interesting is that orange in fruit and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment, an element of nature. It is also a colour often associated with fire, warmth, energy, an emergency and activity. Buddhism sees orange as part of the chakra for creation, sexuality and expression whilst ancient Egyptians and other cultures see this colour as representing the sacred aspects of their philosophies. In Feng Shui practice, it is part of the Earth element colours and represents grounding and creating a foundation.

203, 2025

All You Need Is Love

We will look back at this last week in the future and wonder, how, what and why? No words can be said and we can do is be positive and supportive of each other.

2402, 2025

The Colour Yellow – Feng Shui Moments

Lemon, that fresh, bright springy colour is appearing in the stores. It immediately makes me think of warmth, spring, freshness and a general uplifting sense of coming out of winter. Some love the cold and hibernation of winter but not me! I need a blue sky even if it is cold and with the sun shining, my equilibrium immediately lifts by at least 50%. As the last grey days of winter hit this week, the mimosa blossom is emerging and the bright yellow pollen is a sign that we are coming out of the dark. A town in our area, Menton,

202, 2025

Knowledge & Self Cultivation Sector – Feng Shui

Currently, many friends are moving in to a new stage of their lives. Some have lost careers and are pondering the next steps and finances and their sense of identity. Others are reinventing themselves due to divorces and sadly, loss of loved ones. We are on the threshold of moving back to our home country and yet after twenty years, it feels like another adventure and life. When I look back over the last decades of moving to different cities and countries, usually we moved without knowing anyone and often struggled with another language and different bureaucracies. It feels as if

2601, 2025

Gong Xi Fa Cai – Happy Chinese New Year!

On the 29th of January we will enter the Year of the Snake. So if you didn't like the Western New Year and January, you have a second chance. According to a Chinese astrology magazine, "we are entering into a year of death and rebirth, a year to make responsible decisions to evolve spiritually, moving away from old ways and habits that no longer serve us well. The Snake is said to be the best equipped due to its magnetic resonance to hear the heartbeat of Mother Earth. It is a dynamic year to learn from the past, moving forward with

1901, 2025

Collections – Feng Shui

I come from a family of collectors which includes stamps, coins, porcelain, butterflies and pretty much anything you can think of. One family member wasn't keen and was immediately told that he would collect owls. He did but didn't want to. Over the years of travel, we have a collection of Asian, American, Vintage and French glassware, 18th century coffee cups, furniture and decor. It is like a social history of our lives and collections are all about the detail. Have a look at what you are collecting as it may say more than you think. Feng Shui also looks at


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