Let’s recap what the Water Element is all about in Feng Shui. Water is the word for Shui and is seen as a yin energy that flows, representing emotion, wisdom and offering life and getting sectors of the Bagua map flowing. However; water often needs to be contained or not used due to the area. Within a positive partnership, Water needs Wood to grow and Water is created from Metal. In a negative relationship, Water puts out Fire and Earth drains Water.

Fountains are often seen to be one of the key Feng Shui solutions but there are some key tips and tricks to consider before just putting down a fountain anywhere.

Where To Use a Fountain

  1. An ideal place is at the front of a house as this is where the Water and Metal elements are. Make sure the water is flowing towards the house and not away and that it isn’t blocking the entrance.
  2. The Career sector is ideally a great area to activate with a fountain, but if your bathroom is in your Career sector, like mine, there is enough water and you could be adding too much energy and emotion. A remedy is to ground the water element with stone and ceramics.
  3. The Health sector is also fine as you are partnering with the Wood element which ‘grows’ in water.
  4. Placing a fountain in the Wealth sector attracts abundance. I have a fountain there and set my intention that it activates “abundance in wealth, health, friendships and happiness”. More money is always welcome anyway!
  5. Ideally, don’t place the fountain in a kitchen as there can be a clash with the Fire element. Don’t forget, Water puts out Fire.
  6. Avoid a fountain in the centre of your house as it is your health sector. I have seen a beautiful one in a famous New York mansion and after learning about the family, in spite of the wealth, the history was disastrous!
  7. The fountain must always be flowing gently except when you are cleaning it, and use filtered water to prevent calcification.
  8. Avoid fountains in the Fame and Relationship corners as these are Fire and Earth and Water will be drained or will muddy the Earth sector.
  9. An obvious one, not in the bedroom, too much emotion and the noise would be annoying!

What To Buy

  1. Buy a fountain that gives a gentle noise, no grinding or real splashing.
  2. Avoid strange shapes and sharp edges (see my previous post about poison arrows).
  3. A light in the fountain is considered to be Fire, avoid buying these.
  4. Practically, it should be easy to clean, maintain and be lovely to look at.