“Anything is possible with sunshine and a little pink” said Lily Pulitzer. Pink represents charm, femininity, innocence and romance. A colour that only came in vogue during the 18th century at the French royal courts and by the 1950s, has become associated with women. Feng Shui practice has pink as a shade of red, one of the lucky colours and associated with Fire and all about romance, passion and keeping something alight. It is a popular colour in Southern France and Italy and against the blue skies, offers a sense of sherbet, summer and the sea.


Feng Shui First

Pink is part of the Relationship corner. It needs to be a red-based pink, not apricot or with a hint of brown. That being said, can you imagine a room full of pink for a relationship? No, neither can I. So, we come back to touches of colour. Personally, I haven’t used it as it isn’t a colour that we resonate with. Lemon or bright shades of yellow can also be used, as this represents the Earth element and is all about nurturing. So think, pink for passion, lemon for love. Let the show begin!


A Hint of Colour

You don’t have to paint a wall, buying cushions or pictures of pink flowers will do just as well. Just remember, if it is in the Relationship corner, duos are key. Those prints shouting I am single, need to go. Anything from old relationships need to be replaced as well. Start afresh. If this is the bedroom, buy new bed linen and ideally, a new bed. Living rooms need at least two matching chairs and lamps, pairs of furniture. A friend had a cushion with a sad rose on her sofa and that went immediately. Two cushions were replaced with roses and leaves that signalled growth and romance. Et voila!