My Place, My Space 2019

Follow my blog with Bloglovin “The home should be the treasure chest of living.” Le Corbusier. We lived in an amazing city, Berlin, with its truly international, diverse history, architecture and challenging bureaucracy. We had a lovely apartment that felt as if it was in a treehouse and it had  a gentle but fun energy. The colours were perfect with soft hues of sky blue, cafe latte and cream. But our hearts need to be near the sea in all seasons and I have a strong connection with the French culture. The South of France is an escape from

2023-08-23T12:32:20+00:00July 14th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on My Place, My Space 2019

Decorating with Jewel Colours

Let's talk about jewel colours - ruby, amethyst, aquamarine, emerald, sapphire, citrine and topaz.  They add style and drama, often lacking in neutral tones, and in the right amount, can offer warmth and a deluxe hotel feel. These tones that are on trend at the moment, can be seen from the living room to the bedroom, offering elegance and making a real statement. If you choose to use one or more of these, you need to ask yourself, how much? Do you go big and bold or just accent? It does require planning and careful selection of colour and

2019-07-07T14:13:18+00:00July 7th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on Decorating with Jewel Colours

How to Store Your Stuff

There is one word that starts a New York conversation - 'storage'. It is still the city I have lived in that really gets it and has come up with a range of wardrobe, packing and lock-up solutions. Other cities need it as well as many of us live in smaller spaces whilst living in a shopping world that entices us with stuff. There is a reason that tiny houses are popular and books on minimalism are constantly being highlighted. Check out the Container Store, Bed, Bath & Beyond and Home Depot in the USA or if you are

2023-08-23T12:29:46+00:00June 28th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on How to Store Your Stuff

Feng Shui Basics – De-Cluttering

Let it go! We are a society that loves our stuff, possessions and things. It is like a sugar fix. I buy something and for a short time, it makes me happy. Having moved countries, cities and apartments over the last 15 years, it is the people, community and connections that make a place. Being a lover of marketing and packaging, I can be enticed but over the years, de-cluttering has become a practice. It started in New York with a lack of space and where square metres cost money. All of us had storage units full of furniture

2022-04-30T18:23:17+00:00June 28th, 2019|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – De-Cluttering

Renting – How Do I Decorate?

A young friend was missing her home. She was only in Berlin for a year and wasn't allowed to paint, knock a nail in the wall or make any apartment changes. She said she was feeling depressed wondering what she could do and it wasn't a particularly attractive space with a tiny separate kitchen and bathroom and a room for dining, living and sleeping. Always a challenge. I once lived for eight months in a shabby - not chic, small French apartment and understood how our living space impacts on our feelings. First Steps We discussed her taste, colours

2019-06-17T03:57:50+00:00June 16th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on Renting – How Do I Decorate?

So You Are Renovating – The Bedroom

Philippe Starck once said, "If you are depressed, you put some bright yellow in and suddenly you are happy." I wasn't feeling depressed but wanted to add a touch of summer to our bedroom. I have realised for a long time that there is a whole market there for a good bedlinen designer! The choice is limited to hotel white, stripes or flowers. Not easy for a couple to choose and avoid looking too gender specific. I have run the gamut of hotel chic blanc, Chinese intense silks and have recently gone for an Art Deco look. A bedroom is

2023-08-23T12:25:55+00:00June 9th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on So You Are Renovating – The Bedroom

So You Are Renovating – The Kitchen

This is the second of the expensive rooms, the bathroom being the other one. As with the bathroom, careful planning is required, you won't regret it! If you are ripping out the old kitchen and starting afresh, then you have a chance to search for whitegoods, fixtures and the whole look. If you are partially renovating, work out what you are prepared to keep and what you are really want to spend money on. That seems to be obvious however, I have seen people's budget blow out without proper research and planning especially around the classic triangle of the

2023-08-23T12:23:20+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on So You Are Renovating – The Kitchen

So You are Renovating – The Bathroom

This is one of the two most expensive rooms to renovate, the kitchen being the other. Space, lighting and functionality need to be carefully planned and balanced. It is a room with the potential for costly mistakes. Plan where the major areas are going to be, what lighting you will use, how to ventilate the room and even heat it. There are plenty of websites on how to renovate a bathroom yourself - I advise against it if possible. Let's focus on some basics first: How do you want to use the bathroom -  is it the main or

2023-08-23T12:18:49+00:00May 26th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on So You are Renovating – The Bathroom

How To Plan Your Renovation Timeline

Let's be honest from the start, it is more than likely that the timeline set aside for a key renovation is going to take longer than planned or promised by your contractor. Even if you are doing it yourself there are possibilities with delays in ordering and delivering, discovering an issue once you pull down the wall, open up a space and so on. Put it down on paper, plan the timeline with the contractor, ask questions even if they seem stupid, talk to other friends who have renovated rooms or full places and finally - search the web,

2023-08-23T12:16:51+00:00May 20th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on How To Plan Your Renovation Timeline

Renovations – Where to Start?

I keep saying that the last kitchen and bathroom renovation was IT! If it can't be painted, tiled or recycled, I am no longer interested. We have completely renovated a small 18th century French townhouse, two kitchens in different houses and a major bathroom renovation and all were stressful, had good moments and mistakes. But, we keep doing it! Key Tips to Start Decide on your budget and don't forget labour costs - ask yourself if it's a cosmetic makeover, a partial renovation or whether things need ripping out and stating again. Kitchens and bathrooms will always cost more

2023-08-23T12:15:42+00:00May 12th, 2019|Interiors|Comments Off on Renovations – Where to Start?
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