Feng Shui Expert – Clear Englebert

Clear Englebert - I couldn't practise Feng Shui if I didn't believe in it, and I wouldn't believe in it if I hadn't seen it work. Clear is a well known Feng Shui practitioner whose focus is on demystifying Feng Shui principles through the Form school practice. For more information go to his website, http://fungshway.com which provides a range of advice and knowledge. Clear is also available for global consultation. Welcome Clear, it is great to be able to interview you after all these years! I remember that I picked up your book, Feng Shui Demystified, in a Malaysian bookstore and have followed

2018-12-04T20:18:01+00:00December 3rd, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Expert – Clear Englebert

Career Sector – the Finale

We have reached the final area of the Bagua Map - the Career Sector. This area is often the front door and it is where we align the Bagua Map.  The natural inclination is to add diplomas and work awards, depending on the room it is in. It can also be about your path in life and even if retired, perhaps you volunteer or support others. Our career sector in Berlin was  in the bathroom and it is a good area but it is important to balance with lots of metal and dark stone.   Colour and Element The

2023-08-23T11:03:13+00:00November 24th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Career Sector – the Finale

Travel & Helpful People Sector

  We travel, some of us forever, to seek other states, other lives, other souls.” – Anais Nin. One of my favourite sectors is the Travel and Helpful people area. This area of the Bagua Map has a double effect as it combines people and places and can often help your career and relationships. For the travel aspects, the focus is on experiencing new spaces, food, culture, history, art and ways of living. This can even be done in your home town! How often have visitors arrived and we rediscover where we live. Place travel items, art work to

2023-08-23T10:57:36+00:00November 20th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Travel & Helpful People Sector

Communication, Creativity, Children Sector

The Creativity, Communication and Children sector is aligned with joy and having fun. It is the area to review if you feel a need to move forward, to be creative and to harness a childlike energy. If you have children, it is also focused on your relationships with them. It is an area often missing in modern architecture and there are tips on how to activate this.     Elements and Colours The key element is metal and colours are white, pastels and soft greys. The earth element can also be used as earth polishes metal in the Feng

2022-04-30T11:22:04+00:00November 11th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Communication, Creativity, Children Sector

French Renovation – Feng Shui First

Here we are are, the first post of our tiny Southern France apartment! Having found the space and place, top of the list was to check out the Feng Shui. Having used the Bagua map and consulted with my mentor, Clear Englebert, we selected colours for each area and also for any challenges. Rules for Colour Selection Designers often say, choose 3 colours that harmonise and if you are brave, add a fourth tonal one. There is a 60/30/10% method. 60% is the dominant colour which can include walls or floor space or a dominate piece of furniture - for

2023-08-23T10:51:46+00:00November 4th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on French Renovation – Feng Shui First

Relationship Corner

This is an area that should ideally be in your main bedroom or lounge area. It is about all relationships but particularly your primary one. The key aim is to send an intention and message that you are part of a partnership. Look to clear clutter, observe what your art work and ornaments say and avoid water, metal or wood elements, this is an area of earth with touches of fire to feed the earth.   Key Elements of Earth and Fire  Decorate with earth based textiles with porcelain and stone. fire element colors are often used, following the

2023-08-23T10:48:49+00:00November 4th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Relationship Corner

Fame & Reputation Sector

Fame! The Fame and Reputation area - this is basically, the South area of the Bagua Map. Think of it as the back central part of your space. Also consider it in each room as well and in particular for anyone with an office. A general view of fame is also about your image, what you stand for as it blends in to your reputation and what you present to the world and others. Feng Shui tip: you may have the classic 'corridor' effect which means as you open your front door, you see right out to a window

2023-08-14T06:42:42+00:00October 28th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Fame & Reputation Sector

The Wealth & Prosperity Sector

"Not what we have but what we enjoy, constitutes our abundance" Epicurus I see this sector as representing abundance and prosperity in all aspects of your life, not just money. Abundance and prosperity is about nourishment of wealth, career, friends and health. This is the sector to place items and symbols that mean prosperity to you. It is the far left corner of your whole place and can also be the far left corner of each room as you enter a room from the main door.   Purple and Green The key colour is purple and not an easy colour to

2022-04-30T11:11:10+00:00October 12th, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on The Wealth & Prosperity Sector


Staircases are often part of the entrance to your place or at least to your building. When buying or renting a space, feel what the entrance says to you. Is there light, is it dowdy, clean and has fresh air. Ideally, it should not be placed at the front door or in the middle of the house. If right at the front door, the energy rushes up and back down constantly. Feng Shui says to avoid it but this is often a characteristic in European homes. Place small items or lamps on the stairs which ensures people take their

2022-04-30T11:09:23+00:00October 9th, 2018|Feng Shui, Photo of the Week|Comments Off on Staircases

The Family & Health Sector – Feng Shui

The Family & Health Sector This sector is the middle left part of the Bagua map and the left centre part of your floor plan within your space. The area focuses on our family, however you define that. It is about our definition of community, for some this means relatives and for some, this is about close friendships who are the chosen family. It is often a communal area for people to meet and eat. Another focus is around your strength and health emotionally and physically, and general resilience in life.   Working with Wood Key colours are green

2023-08-23T10:38:07+00:00October 1st, 2018|Feng Shui|Comments Off on The Family & Health Sector – Feng Shui
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