Feng Shui Basics – Water

Human nature is like water. It takes the shape of its container - Wallace Stevens. In Feng Shui, Water is the word for Shui and is seen as a yin energy that flows, representing emotion, wisdom and offering life and often needing to be contained. Within a positive partnership, Water needs Wood to grow and Water is created from Metal. In a negative partnership, Water puts out Fire and Earth drains Water. While this is the general cycle, there are times where you may wish to weaken the Fire or Earth elements in your space. Let's check out the Bagua

2023-08-23T12:34:43+00:00July 21st, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Water

Feng Shui Refresh

It’s Complicated. Feng Shui is based on our Chi, our life energy and how we interact with our environment. Like me, you will end up reading so much that is confusing.  There is the original ancient compass method including your personal birth calculation and other aspects, but they are wrapped up in Old Chinese culture, lifestyle and architecture. We will follow the modern Black Hat Method. Using the 5 elements and colour map, an interior space can be created that sings to you. I am so lucky to have found my mentor, Clear Englebert, and you can find a

2023-08-23T12:33:12+00:00July 14th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Refresh

Feng Shui Basics – The Earth Element

What on earth is the Earth element? In Feng Shui, it is all about grounding, stabilising and nourishing the inner core of your space. In the 5 elements life cycle, when balanced, Earth is made from Fire and it is where Wood and life grow, it also creates and polishes Metal. If in a negative cycle, Earth can be weakened by too much Wood, depleting it of energy, and Water can muddy Earth. In the Bagua map, it is the key element for the Inner Knowledge and Relationships sectors. It is also the key element for the centre of

2019-07-07T14:19:01+00:00July 7th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – The Earth Element

Feng Shui Basics – De-Cluttering

Let it go! We are a society that loves our stuff, possessions and things. It is like a sugar fix. I buy something and for a short time, it makes me happy. Having moved countries, cities and apartments over the last 15 years, it is the people, community and connections that make a place. Being a lover of marketing and packaging, I can be enticed but over the years, de-cluttering has become a practice. It started in New York with a lack of space and where square metres cost money. All of us had storage units full of furniture

2022-04-30T18:23:17+00:00June 28th, 2019|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – De-Cluttering

Feng Shui Basics – What Your Stuff is Saying

I had a depressed colleague who's office coffee mug stated - 'I am just a step away from madness'! I didn't have to comment but another colleague did, and also pointed out that her office art print was Dali's melting pocket watch! Images are powerful sub-conscious statements in the Feng Shui world. While I am not advocating lots of pictures and notes with positive affirmations, each to their own, but a bit much at times, look around and check out what your 'stuff'' is stating. What message are you sending to others and your inner self? A previous post talks

2022-04-30T18:21:51+00:00June 16th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – What Your Stuff is Saying

Feng Shui Basics – Turn on the Light

Lighting in any room is aligned with illumination and fire in Feng Shui practice. This includes the major overhead lights, pendants, sconces, lamps, fairy lights and candles and any other form. Common sense is also needed to make sure your space has enough natural light and accent or task lights for reading and to add a softer energy to the space. I love battery operated fairy lights in a big jar or tea lights as they offer a softer ambience.   Check the Bagua map as well. Lights and candles are of the Fire element and will add activity

2023-08-23T12:27:18+00:00June 9th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Turn on the Light

Feng Shui Basics – Mirrors

Mirror, mirror, on the wall - who is the fairest of them all? Mirrors and their placement need to be carefully used in Feng Shui practices. A mirror reflects and often doubles whatever is opposite. This can be of benefit but can also be a negative action. Right now, go and look at what your mirror is reflecting. It can reflect a garden, a positive image and also add space and light to an area. The mirror should have no cracks, rust and should ideally be enclosed. If you buy an antique mirror, really make sure there is no

2019-07-06T14:25:15+00:00June 3rd, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Mirrors

Feng Shui Basics – Art Work & Photos

Paintings, prints and photos are so personal. In the world of Feng Shui, they are statements and images of what is happening and possibly influencing your life. There are many stories of people looking for a partner and needing to replace art work of single people, flowers and sad images. Have a look at what the art work and ornaments are saying in your space. You may want to replace or move them around. Start with the Bagua map to see what colours and symbols match the specific sector and also their partners.  Remember the five elements of Water, Earth,

2023-08-23T12:20:53+00:00May 26th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Art Work & Photos

How to Feng Shui European Apartments

With old buildings, styles of renovation and general architecture, many European apartments and houses represent a list of Feng Shui challenges! The ideal Feng Shui apartments are square in floor plan with no steep staircases, strange corners or floor plans. Having rented and owned a range of apartments in Europe, it is interesting to match Feng Shui practices with European structure. As with most issues, there is a Feng Shui solution.   Front Door We would all love a meandering path to the front door but many of us have our key entrance on a street with no foyer

2019-07-06T14:26:46+00:00May 20th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on How to Feng Shui European Apartments

Feng Shui Basics – Plants

Plants and flowers are life energy in Feng Shui and connect with the Wood element of the Bagua map. I am useless with indoor plants and stick to flowers or a few outdoor annuals - more on that later. Let's point out the obvious; no dying or spiky plants and avoid dried flowers. According to the Bagua Map, plants are best placed in the Wood, Water and Fire sectors as Water helps wood to grow and Wood feeds fire. However; even in these sections you need to be cautious. Use the colours carefully to match the areas and to

2022-04-30T18:13:27+00:00May 8th, 2019|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui Basics – Plants
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