Feng Shui Colours – Brown

Next month, Easter will appear in France with lovely chocolate shaped as chickens, rabbits and even bells, as ancient signs of fertility, a new life and beginning. I love a piece of dark chocolate and it is an ingredient and colour that symbolises warmth, comfort and luxury. In Feng Shui practice, the colour brown represents the Earth element and is the centre of your total living space. It is all about a sense of safety, reliability and grounding. Use the colour carefully as it settles and calms down energy, particularly water. If you are looking to activate a sector's

2025-03-24T06:59:56+00:00March 24th, 2025|Color, Feng Shui|0 Comments

Orange – Feng Shui

Vincent van Gogh, a lover of this colour, said, "There is no orange without blue." What is interesting is that orange in fruit and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment, an element of nature. It is also a colour often associated with fire, warmth, energy, an emergency and activity. Buddhism sees orange as part of the chakra for creation, sexuality and expression whilst ancient Egyptians and other cultures see this colour as representing the sacred aspects of their philosophies. In Feng Shui practice, it is part of the Earth element colours and represents grounding and creating

2025-03-09T14:59:07+00:00March 9th, 2025|Color, Feng Shui|0 Comments

Collections – Feng Shui

I come from a family of collectors which includes stamps, coins, porcelain, butterflies and pretty much anything you can think of. One family member wasn't keen and was immediately told that he would collect owls. He did but didn't want to. Over the years of travel, we have a collection of Asian, American, Vintage and French glassware, 18th century coffee cups, furniture and decor. It is like a social history of our lives and collections are all about the detail. Have a look at what you are collecting as it may say more than you think. Feng Shui also

2025-01-19T19:24:44+00:00January 19th, 2025|Color, Feng Shui|Comments Off on Collections – Feng Shui

Feng Shui – The Blues

As many of you know, I love any shade of blue from the dark petrol for the Career sector, to aqua, egg shell tones to a clear sky blue. Blue is the colour of water for Feng Shui people and it is my favourite place to be. To sit beside the beach, a lake, on a dock, winter or summer and with a blue sky, is my happy place and space. Blue is just starting to appear in French navy in the shops. Sofas, cushions and bed linen have finally changed from the dull beiges that seem to be

2025-02-02T11:56:00+00:00January 5th, 2025|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Feng Shui – The Blues

Feng Shui Practicality – Managing the Exterior

This is a very practical Feng Shui post about the entrance to your living place which is so important and sets the energy and attraction for the Bagua map. Before you even get inside your house, apartment or living space, take a step back and look at what the exterior tells you. If there is a front garden, is it tidy and welcoming? If there is a porch, are there any broken panels or steps needing to be fixed? Does the doorbell work, is there a light for safety? If it is an apartment, you may find like us

2025-02-02T11:56:13+00:00December 29th, 2024|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Feng Shui Practicality – Managing the Exterior

How to Use A Bagua Map

It is amazing to think that this Feng Shui blog was started in 2018 and here we are near the end of 2024 of the Western calendar. It has been a lot of information over the years including changes of countries, cities and apartments along the way. One of the biggest lessons to learn is that Feng Shui isn't a miracle cure, it is about balancing what you can control and then using positive affirmations to attract positive situations. Once the concepts and expectations are understood about Feng Shui, the next key question is what is the Bagua map

2025-02-02T11:56:32+00:00December 15th, 2024|Feng Shui|Comments Off on How to Use A Bagua Map

Christmas is Coming!

The shops are full of decorations as Christmas is around the corner and decor is being sold in red, green, white and every other colour in the rainbow and representing all sorts of objects. I have even seen a red lobster tree decoration! So how does Feng Shui fit in being an Eastern practice? It can still be applied with a focus on using the right colour and element. Check out the Bagua map and consider decorations for each sector of your place. Think about what the decorations are saying; a Christmas tree in a Wood sector is perfect

2024-12-08T16:33:24+00:00November 24th, 2024|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Christmas is Coming!

Feng Shui for Business

Feng Shui can be used anywhere that you live and work in , it is not just for your living space but also for the car, the office, your desk and definitely for a business. There is a new hair salon nearby that opened up a few months ago and it is clear that business is slow. I would walk by on the way to the gym or the beach and kept noting the poor Feng Shui aspects and lack of clients, with the employees looking worried. Finally, deciding to try them out just for a basic manicure, it

2025-02-02T11:56:46+00:00November 10th, 2024|Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui for Business

Feng Shui Moment- A Table

We have a lovely old French pear wood farm table which is old and worn. The wood glows along with all of the historic marks from many meals with friends and it has travelled with us to different places over the years. It has been a central table for meals, my office and a place to anchor our lives around. It is in the top three pieces of furniture including the sofa and the bed for happiness, rest and a sense of peace. The other night we had friends around in France for an Indian dinner, not exactly what

2024-10-27T13:36:09+00:00October 27th, 2024|Feng Shui, Interiors|Comments Off on Feng Shui Moment- A Table

Feng Shui the Colour Pink

"Pink is not a colour, it is a culture to me", says Deangelo Williams as part of breast cancer research and last week's breast cancer week. It is a colour that is often associated with romance, femininity and innocence and over the years has become a colour representing life, women's health, strength and endurance. Pause and think what shade you can live with and what it means to you. The colour pink can range from soft hints to absolute lollipop colours including hot pink which was invented by the fashion designer, Schiaperelli. Pale pink is a summery, relaxing colour

2025-02-02T11:57:01+00:00October 6th, 2024|Color, Feng Shui|Comments Off on Feng Shui the Colour Pink
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