Vincent van Gogh, a lover of this colour, said, “There is no orange without blue.” What is interesting is that orange in fruit and vegetables comes from carotenes, a type of photosynthetic pigment, an element of nature. It is also a colour often associated with fire, warmth, energy, an emergency and activity. Buddhism sees orange as part of the chakra for creation, sexuality and expression whilst ancient Egyptians and other cultures see this colour as representing the sacred aspects of their philosophies. In Feng Shui practice, it is part of the Earth element colours and represents grounding and creating a foundation. If the tone leans towards red, it is considered to be part of the Fire element. It all depends on the shade and depth of colour as it can run from peach to saffron to tangerine.
Where to Use?
Draw a square and put as much of your house, apartment or living space in that square. Don’t worry if you have additional balconies or parts that stick outside of the square but do include the garden and the garage if attached. Then draw a cross through the space and you will find the centre of the whole interior. This is the key area to keep clean and free of clutter, it is the foundation of the Bagua map and is represented by the Earth element. Decor of stone, ceramics, shades of brown and orange are perfect here. In addition, leather or faux animal skin is also appropriate as it represents part of the life cycle of the Earth. Metal touches can also be a partner as Metal has come from the Earth and is a natural element. Fire elements can also be used but be cautious as this is about stabilising and being centred rather than setting the world on fire!
Don’t Do This
I have said this before but just in case. the Feng Shui cycle shows that Water muddies the Earth and Wood takes away energy from the Earth. Don’t panic if you have these elements in the centre, just see how you can reduce or balance the area and replace or remove artwork and decor that symbolises these elements. Not always easy to do. A friend had a large fountain in the middle of her huge house and immediately panicked. She turned off the water and closed the pipes. An urn replaced the centre, tiles were added and a lovely Italian mini piazza feel emerged. We had a bathroom in the centre of our first house which is a key issue for Feng Shui but at that stage, I didn’t have a clue about this philosophy. We instinctively re-tiled in a beige and a soft green and quickly sold the place. Knowing all about Feng Shui by then, our next house had a lovely tiled central area all in shades of cafe latté!
Final Thoughts
“Orange is red brought nearer to humanity by yellow,” said Wassily Kandinsky. It is a fun colour and best to use in areas you want to energise. I love using it to add a hint of spring or the sun with lemons, limes and oranges and combined with yellow tulips or lilies, it adds a sense of happiness.