Lemon, that fresh, bright springy colour is appearing in the stores. It immediately makes me think of warmth, spring, freshness and a general uplifting sense of coming out of winter. Some love the cold and hibernation of winter but not me! I need a blue sky even if it is cold and with the sun shining, my equilibrium immediately lifts by at least 50%. As the last grey days of winter hit this week, the mimosa blossom is emerging and the bright yellow pollen is a sign that we are coming out of the dark. A town in our area, Menton, creates unusual figures this month out of lemons and oranges for a major traditional festival. Yes, it is bizarre but most traditions are when analysed. The festival is a symbol of the start of spring and everything lemon and orange abounds in the pale winter sun even if it looks like a sad Carmen Miranda!
Mellow Yellow
Let’s talk shades and tones as it is important to get this right.. This is not mustard or a sad, dull tone of yellow or khaki. It is bright, in-your-face zingy sunshine. A pure shade of yellow is needed, not a muddy version, as it represents the Earth element. It is all about grounding ourselves and stabilising our foundations. It is why the centre of a house or apartment on the Bagua map is the Earth sector and that area needs to be clean, clear, uncomplicated and easy to move around for a sense of balance and harmony. A bit like people really.
Where Not To Use It
Definitely avoid using Earth tones and yellow in the Fire sectors of Fame and Fortune. The sensible Earth element puts out the creative fire. Where the Water element exists on the Bagua map think of the concept that Earth is said to muddy the water aspect. Think of an earth grounded common sense mixing with the emotional state and flow of water. Turbulent times!
Where To Use It
Interestingly enough it works in the Metal and Wood sections. Earth polishes Metal and nature grows out of the Earth. Yet again, the grounding of Earth allows Wood to grow and prosper which is why it works well in the Wealth sector. Shades of beige with navy or tropical green blend to enhance prosperity. In the areas where Metal is the element, consider it as a form of sand originally that has been polished and in Feng Shui this represents honesty. Earth’s common sense partners well with Metal’s sense of truth. It is all about balance.
Tips and Tricks
If you are using this colour in the Relationship corner make sure any decor reflects a sense of two people, not one lonely person or a single flower or bird. This means two lamps, two side tables and pillows, just think of pairs of items.
If using this colour with the greys and metal colours in the Travel & Helpful People sector think of groups of people, trees and anything from other countries or travel.
Just don’t go overboard when using this strong and powerful colour and add hints to the room using cushions, linen or art work. So bring on the sunshine and tap in to your own Spring happiness!