I come from a family of collectors which includes stamps, coins, porcelain, butterflies and pretty much anything you can think of. One family member wasn’t keen and was immediately told that he would collect owls. He did but didn’t want to. Over the years of travel, we have a collection of Asian, American, Vintage and French glassware, 18th century coffee cups, furniture and decor. It is like a social history of our lives and collections are all about the detail. Have a look at what you are collecting as it may say more than you think. Feng Shui also looks at collections and recommends that they are in alignment with the Bagua map in colour and element. Whilst I try to follow these rules, part of me still uses glass in areas where the Water element may not be the best mix with that sector. The key part to remember is that it is about your Chi, your internal energy and if it feels right in that place, then let it be and enjoy it.

Green Glass

The green collection I have includes an expensive, modern, crystal green tree and two cheaper vases I found in a children’s toy and decor shop. A couple of expensive vintage glass bottles have been added for the wealth element. What is interesting is that a friend loves hugging the cheap vase as it is round, small and surprisingly tactile. These have been placed in the wealth sector where royal blue and green are the perfect colours. The different heights and textures blend and I love adding a piece of eucalyptus in one of the vases.

The Fame Sector – Red

As from many posts, I have mentioned that I am not a fan of the colour red. It makes me feel jangled as if too much energy has been added. I do have a cherry coloured coat for winter and it is smart and lovely but that is it. For the Fame sector, I have pulled together an Asian terracotta vase, a red plum scented candle and a vintage rose coloured bottle. Adding red roses or bright pink flowers is a surprisingly lovely collection and in the winter, adds a glow as the gentle perfume of the candle drifts across.


Feng Shui Tips & Tricks

Keep to the colours and elements of the Bagua map. Any Metal decor is ideal in the Self Knowledge, Career Path and Travel and Helpful People. Otherwise Metal is said to cut down the energy of Wood and Metal is melted by the Fire element. Glass is considered to be part of the Water element but I am happy to override the element for the colour and Water in the Wealth sector still partners with the Wood element anyway. Don’t forget to fix anything broken and review your collections – reconsider if you really need multiple teddy bears on your bed. It is all about what your decor is saying to you and to others. It is a social comment on your life as much as anything. Food for thought.