Others spend their money on designer clothes, handbags and watches and go for it if that is what is desired. You will find me hunting for treasures in flea markets, antique stalls and goodwill shops. There is always the hope of finding something that catches your eye and says, you must have me. We have a Selangor pewter sugar bowl and cream jug given as a present decades ago. By chance, the same style teapot was up for sale for only 20 euros and after contacting the seller to alert them to the design, we happily bought it and put the collection together. Feng Shui would still say to clean it throughly to let go of any old energy and some friends bathe old jewellery in moonlight and other ancient rituals to cleanse and revive the stones and metal. The old becomes the renewed but offers a history that blends with the modern and there is a glimmer of a story that adds to your own.