“We are all here on earth to help others; what on earth the others are here for I don’t know”, (W. H. Auden). The Helpful People & Travel sector is diagonally opposite the Wealth sector on the Bagua Map, and the two go hand in hand. Helpful people are friends, associates, your bank manager, real estate agent, carer, doctor and anyone else who makes your life easier and happier. The Wealth sector is often supported by helpful people if we think about those who help us make things happen. This sector is often left inactive as most people focus on the Relationship corner, Wealth sector and Health and yet, without contacts, how do people meet, how is a contract made profitable and how is health managed or cured? Think about it, it is those more subtle people and connections that help us and we sometimes take them for granted. In five minutes, I can think of a lawyer who appeared at the right moment with a great result, the chiropractor who held my hand whilst I thought I was going to faint with a locked shoulder, the neighbour that looked after the cats, the new “over the phone and overseas” bank operator who recognised the card issue, passed us to a senior colleague with all solved. It is these people we forget but we shouldn’t. As we are selling our French apartment to return home to Australia, it has been slower than normal in a normally slow market. Our two agents are supportive as we ride the rollercoaster of hopes and then nothing. We will get there and appreciate having two different proactive agencies marketing and selling the place.

Feng Shui First

This sector is in the bottom right hand corner of the Bagua Map and the key element is Metal.  It is usually on the right side of the main door if the main entrance is in the middle, or may even be the entrance to the whole house or apartment. It doesn’t matter, any elements of people or travel can be placed here. The key colours are black, grey and white. Some of you may react thinking these are dull colours but they can be really chic and soft. Apparently, there are more shades of white paint than any other colour and there are plenty of soft dove greys that don’t look hard and dark. Just experiment with the shades in the morning and then the evening light to see which colour works for you.


Our bathroom is in this sector and we have a soft grey tiled floor with white and grey marble walls, white accessories and towels. If you have read the posts about the bathroom, you will know that Feng Shui experts are always trying to ‘dry’ up the water element in a bathroom to avoid good energy draining out. Keep the drains covered and all water drainage clean and flowing. We have used black and white prints that hint at travel and the beach. They are framed in silver metal and look smart and fun.

We have also had our bedroom in this sector as well. The room was painted a soft grey and with white bed linen against a grey headboard, it was always inviting and calm. A friend has her kitchen in this area and she has upgraded the bench top to black which looks chic with French traditional grey and white tiles. Her retro ivory coffee machine and fridge look great against the ivory walls and art decor has been hung up of black and white food photos from around the world. This is a much undervalued area of the Bagua map and is worth activating to garner support, connections and even travel people and then give back to be someone else’s helpful people!