The Relationship sector is the second most asked about area of the Bagua map; the first is Wealth. My philosophy is that wealth is also about abundance and that includes friendships and love. In over twenty years of international travel meeting a breadth of people with various wealth, one thing I can say, riches are about whoever you connect with, family, friends and partners. Then if you have enough money, share it with those who don’t, without offering it as charity but also don’t buy into its glitter, all is not gold. It is the friendships we have made around the world that matter most, a New York couple of ‘boys’ and others; Berlin-based friends including one met on a five-broken plane journey, to a French group of food and music lovers who are there when you need them. Check out previous posts.

Feng Shui First

The Relationship corner is in the far right corner of the Bagua map and is mainly focused on a partner/love relationship. The key colour is pink and Earth is the primary element. Feng Shui practice says to review what that sector in your space is saying. A woman I met at a meet-up, asked me to Feng Shui her bedroom. It screamed being single. Lots of pictures of single women, the bed pushed against the wall and a single bedside table and lamp. I recommended pushing the bed into the middle, buying another matching bedside table and lamp and moving the pictures out and using artwork with flowers and fruit. She disagreed and that was that. The intent and motivation has to be there as well. Think in terms of twos and matching if possible. Art work can include two birds, two trees growing, it doesn’t have to be romantic and flowery. Then there is the colour pink, not a choice for most of us. Earth tones such as coffee or beige can be used along with white. Lemon decor can also be added as it is a pure yellow that represents the Earth element.

Our Kitchen is in the Relationship Area

It is and we love it. Soft creams and coffee shades have been used with a limestone floor. A vintage advert of a cocktail party for a fridge is on the wall and other art work represents each of us are on the other wall. It seems we have attracted the party as our friends in France are all about really cooking and challenging ourselves with new dishes, even if it doesn’t work out. In the summer heat, the room is light and airy, in the winter, it offers warmth and even the stone floor is warm.


What About the Bathroom?

Not ideal as those who follow my posts know that the Bathroom should be in a Water element area at the lower part of the Bagua map. Just don’t panic! The Water element needs ‘draining’ or stopping from going out of the area. See my posts first about placing small mirrors against the drains, shiny side facing in to the room stating that this prevents all positive energy draining from this room. It is a psychological affirmation process that can work if the intent is there. Red can also be used as decor representing the Fire element to douse out the Water element. Make sure you are focusing on what you are seeking with your definition of relationships, and as John Keats stated, “I love you the more in that I believe you had liked me for my own sake and for nothing else.”