A sunny Sunday spent on the Ile de Porquerolles surrounded by the contrast of modern art and nature was perfect. A full gallery of paintings and collages and then a walk through the garden where modern sculptures popped up out of nowhere. Some worked and some didn’t. The bright red piece stating that “Mother Nature doesn’t like you and wants to eat you,” didn’t quite gel with the beautiful arch of bamboo and a hedge of jasmine. However; the Asian mask hovering above wild hedges was quietly meditative. Feng Shui practice would prefer the latter!


How Does Your Garden Grow?

First of all, where is the garden in your Bagua space? The same principles apply on colour and sector. The garden can be small, large, a balcony or a front porch. It is still attached to your living space and needs to connect with the four walls to avoid having a missing space. In other posts, this is discussed, the need to use small round mirrors to pull in the missing area to the facing room to state that there is no missing space. Place the bagua map with the bottom edge with your front door as if you are walking in. The main door will normally be at the Self Knowledge blue area, the black area of Career/Lifepath or at the grey sector of Travel and Helpful People. Gardens or balconies can be at any sector of the map.

Self Knowledge – the relevant colours are blue or green and the Earth element. Think ceramics, stone and blue plants.

Family & Foundation – pure shades of green, tropical plants and wooden benches or planters for the Wood element.

Wealth & Prosperity – tropical green, royal blue and purple colours are perfect and partnered with the Wood element again.

Fame & Reputation – bright red and anything to do with fire including an oven, avoid the Metal element as Fire melts Metal.

Love & Relationships – shades of pink or lemon, if you prefer. Earth elements with stone and ceramics should be used.

Creativity & Children – white flowers are wonderful here partnered with the Metal element. Children’s play things are great.

Helpful People & Travel – white and grey colours representing Metal. Grey stone, representing Earth can be used.

Art for Arts’ Sake

Let’s discuss sculptures and fountains. If you prefer modern art, get a friend to view with you and ask what is the piece saying? Is it calm or aggressive and is it what you really want to see each day in this space? All of us said no to the silver aliens in the middle of the trees of the garden and all said yes to the marble white eggs that beckoned us to touch them. Fountains are a careful aspect to consider as they involve water. Keep them clean, have flowing water and make sure they are gentle and calm. Have light nearby to light the fountain but avoid light in the fountain, it is mixing the Water element with the Fire element and really, water and electricity are always a risk. Consider the sector position carefully and place it where the Water element exists. Then step back and enjoy the space however small or large it is, take a deep breath and relax.