The Cannes film festival is on and different beach clubs compete for razzamatazz and glamour. The colour orange, mandarin, tangerine, is out in full force. It is a combination of yellow and red, earth and fire. An interesting mix of stability and foundation with positivity and energy. Feng Shui practice is based on Chinese culture and the colour orange is all about opportunity, connections and good luck. Often orange fruit is given as a gift for different occasions and is seen to generate prosperity and also representing the fruit of labour. It is a colour best used in the Earth sector or Fame and Fortune sector.


Where Not to Use It

Every Bagua map sector with Water as the element. It makes sense as the Earth element muddies Water and the Fire element sucks up Water. Also, avoid using in the areas where the element is Metal. The Earth element is fine as Metal becomes the Earth but Fire melts Metal. Yes, it looks great with white but white represents the Metal element. More simply, keep it to the Earth and Fire sectors. One note, orange or peach signifies being single. Avoid this in the Relationship area.

The Psychology of Orange

We immediately think of summer, sun and joy. There is a sense of happiness and positivity with a hint of energy attached. Perhaps that is why we have so many orange drinks including the famous Aperol, Fanta and others. It is a lovely summer colour or a warm touch of colour during the colder months. As Tae Yun Kim says, “Orange strengthens your emotional body, encouraging a general feeling of joy, well-being, and cheerfulness. Orange vibration foods are: oranges, tangerines, apricots, mangoes, peaches and carrots.” Go grab an orange fruit juice and raise it to the sun!