Yes it is the 7th January but if you didn’t manage to declutter, decamp or just declare, you have Chinese New Year coming up on the 10th February. I am presenting again to nine French people this week on what to do for the new year in Feng Shui. It is an interesting cultural take on presenting the new Feng Shui practice, based on old Chinese philosophy for French apartments and houses which have different architectural nuances. East meets West and then France! We will focus on decluttering, attracting new energy and understanding the Wood element with the Bagua Map. Let the old year out and provide space for the new year to enter in to.

Let’s Get Started

You know the drill, get decluttering! It is amazing how much clothing, shoes, decor and household goods have been accumulated in the past year. Some people are better than others and can happily sit back. Many can’t and need to let go of the old energy and allow new Chi to come in. There are three ways to do this, sell, donate or keep. Be ruthless or get a friend to help. A friend had accumulated several pairs of black jeans and dresses, all variations on a theme. We got rid of at least 60% of duplicate styles. It isn’t easy and if emotions and memories are attached, it is even harder to let go. A young friend of mine has recently taken some of my lovely dresses as they belong to my youth. I can hear women going, well, you have a problem there. No, I just didn’t fit as well in to them physically or emotionally. Others are happy to sell items online. Having tried this and found flaky people who don’t turn up, offer marriage proposals, yep, and say they will take it for free, I am not bothering. All other items will be donated to friends in need or to charities.

Let’s Get Cleaning

Again, it is a matter of pulling everything out and putting it back in. It can be really satisfying as cupboards and rooms are put in to order. Feng Shui practice would also say to throw away broken items or get them fixed. Clean the drains with white wine vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. Wash the bed linen, get the rugs cleaned and don’t forget your storage areas, they often are the dustiest areas that need re-organising. Throw away old tea towels that are sad and tired, get some new ones to brighten up the kitchen. Same with the bathroom or if you have old towels, take them to a dry cleaner for a really good wash and clean to get them light and fluffy again.

Let’s Prepare

2024 will be the Year of the Wooden Dragon. The dragon is the symbol of leadership, honour and dignity. In a dragon year, people are predicted to enhance their intelligence, creativity, passion and confidence. We shall see. As a wood year, this is the element associated with growth and prosperity. Gong Xi Fa Chai!