Sometimes I have to post a practical, straightforward post and this is one of them. Curtains versus blinds. I am on record stating that I prefer blinds any time. They attract less dust, look chic and you can manage the level of light and privacy. We have managed with old curtains the last couple of years due to window styles and once again, we can’t have blinds due to metal window frames. So, we are replacing some old curtains in the lounge with ones of better quality.

Once you have decided on which way to go, consider what the fabric needs to do. Does it need to keep light out, heat in or just be another piece of the decor. Think of the room’s activities. Bedrooms tend to need fabric that blocks out light and sometimes sound. Sometimes it is about keeping the warmth in and there are thermal curtains and blinds that can help with this. We are buying linen curtains that are natural fibre that will keep the warmth in during the colder months and provide a sense of light when the sun shines.

How to Measure for Curtains

First of all, place the curtain rail as high above the window frame and slightly below the ceiling line. This gives a lovely sense of long windows and higher ceilings. It is a visual trick that works but avoid putting the rail at the top ceiling line. That just looks strange. Measure the total width of the window from the outer frame to the opposite outer frame. Ideally your curtains should have a width of another metre/foot both sides if possible. This also give the illusion of height and space. Measure the length or drop of the curtain from the rail including the eyelets or curtain clip hem. Don’t worry if they puddle slightly on the floor, Feng Shui loves this as it represents abundance.

How to Measure for Blinds

First tip, don’t forget where the window /French door handles sit on the frame or how they need to be accessed to open windows! Also, see if a heater is under the window as that will affect the length of the blind. As with our frames, check if they are wood, metal or plastic and if you can drill in them. Some window frames allow you to fit blinds within the frame. Most blinds are measured from the outer window frame across to the other side to make sure they keep the light out. The length, or drop as it is called, needs to be measured. If the drop is a bit longer than the frame, that is ok. With a bedroom, definitely consider block out material as light can ‘leak’ from each side of the blind.

Feng Shui & Practical Tips

Feng Shui practitioners prefer natural fabrics if possible. Keep in mind the colour that matches the Bagua map. For the kitchen, we bought a basic ivory linen IKEA blind which is perfect and practical to keep clean. In a past apartment, pliseé blinds were made and we loved them. I would normally have bought these if possible. They are practical and offer insulation and style at the same time. The curtains will be bought for the Wealth sector so we will pay as much as we can within the budget and will choose a soft earth colour to match the Earth element. For once, practicality comes first!