Since 2004, we have been moving. First Penang, then Geneva, New York, Berlin and finally the South of France. Over those years we have been to various meet-up groups, forum nights and various getting-to-know-people events. We realise that most of our friends have been found more by default than design. We elbow-bumped Belgians in a New York French restaurant and eight years later we meet once a year. We have our New York boys, one of whom I worked with, and we connected immediately to find we were born in the same year but two days apart. Another was on the famous voyage from the US with five broken planes. Many are through music, a ‘conversation’ that offers an instant connection.

In France it has been by chance or serendipity through a yacht invitation, the gym and a music idea. Not having close family here, these friends are precious and often know us better than most. It takes courage to say the first hello but I highly recommend it.