Tolkien stated, “If more of us valued food and cheer and song above hoarded gold, it would be a merrier world.” The last week has been a series of small and wonderful dining moments. It started with a planned but surprise menu with a wonderful new friend in Cannes. Each choice had been careful selected and champagne was served. A Friday night spur of the moment beach drinks ended up with four of us snacking on tapas, good wine and with a lovely sea breeze as the tide came in. The weekend finished with good food, wine and song with friends and we happily serenaded the neighbours with various 3-part harmonies across musical decades. The neighbours’ children’s party had presented plenty of volume the previous day and at least ours was a beautiful noise!

Eating with people you connect with is so important and something that we cherish after the pandemic has subsided. If a plastic plate and store-bought food is all you can afford or manage, that is fine. If it is a three-course meal carefully presented on cherished china, that is fine too. It is the highest form of friendship regardless. So get cooking!

Feng Shui Tips

By all means, check the Bagua map and the sector your dining room is in but you don’t need to go overboard with colour and elements. Our dining room is in the Wealth sector and we happily use royal blue Japanese bowls with rich green accessories. However, snacks and wine for our Sunday afternoon singing is on basic plates and nice glasses. Most of us are on a budget and paper napkins, candles and placemats can add style to any setting. Visit flea markets for cheap but lovely glassware, mismatch porcelain with shades of one colour or go full out and buy a set of china plates and accessories. The key point is to throw away chipped and cracked glasses and plates and replace them.

Dining on a Budget

Often hosting a dinner or lunch can cost a lot of money. For those on a tight budget, provide the space and ask people to bring their favourite dish or something they love to cook. For those who don’t cook, they can bring snacks and chocolates. We often have themed dinners and a recent Chinese New Year lunch held a combination of Thai salads, Chinese dishes and fortune cookies.  Perhaps a picnic is the way to go with friends bringing cheeses, dips and snacks. For most of us, it is about getting together, sharing the good, the bad and the ugly and supporting each other through the highs and lows of life.  As a close friend once said, “It is important to find your people”.