The Farmer’s Almanac – yes, I read some strange things, states that this Easter has the first full moon, a Pink Moon, based on the start of pink blossom and the perfume of spring. Other cultures call it the Egg Moon, Sprouting Grass Moon or Paschal Moon and the druids looked at it as an opportunity to refresh and set new year resolutions and new beginnings. So wherever you are on April 16th, send out your wishes, it can’t hurt! So many different traditions, hens, rabbits and eggs. In our home country, France, chocolate bells are the symbol of Easter. As a sign of mourning, Catholic churches don’t ring their bells between Good Friday and Easter Sunday. On Good Friday, children are told that the bells have grown wings and flown to Rome to be blessed by the Pope. On Easter Sunday morning, the bells return, Being a birthday as well, we will celebrate with champagne and chocolate cake.