Love the idea that Dolce & Gabanna are in to chocolate! Considering they make skinny clothes for tiny women, there may be a disconnect or some subtle psychological longing. Chocolate is such an emotional eating experience for many and just when it can’t be possible for a new range, someone decides that it has to happen. It is such a chemical process to create something that for most, is an intense and instant delight, hot or cold. I love that it has some nutritional value, 100-grams of milk chocolate offers 19% of the daily requirement of riboflavin, vitamin B12, other minerals including manganese, phosophorus and zinc, calcium, magnesium and iron. Then there is the happiness factor, activating dopamine in the brain. For me, a piece of dark chocolate with caramel au sel can lift the spirits.

Cold or Hot Chocolate ?

The recipe said to chop and melt chocolate in a bowl over boiling water to melt to a smooth and glossy mix. Sounds wonderful but who would do this? Instead, mix 3 tablespoons of the best dark chocolate powder, Dutch is recommended, together with caster sugar or honey, as sweet as you like it. Add chilled or hot milk to your taste, a pinch of cinnamon or black pepper if you like, ice if needed and top with whipped cream if it is that kind of a day.