Spring is around the corner, shots of bright coloured flowerbeds are appearing. There is a sense of renewal for those of us fortunate enough to take advantage of it and move forward. Visiting friends in another city was refreshing and relaxing. One friend is starting a new job and stepping out on her own. Another is reflecting on a lost opportunity and how to look ahead. We are all seeking internal harmony.

Feng Shui First

The shops are still full of blankets, slippers and comfortable interiors in beiges and cream. Decor still seems stuck in cocooning and having visited various favourite stores, it felt dour and dreary. I say snap out of it and look at your place. Open windows and let in fresh air and sun light. Light incense or a favourite scent and ‘clear’ out each room stating that all negative energy has gone and we open up to positive opportunities. It is all in the intention. Wash rugs, throws, dressing gowns and bed linen. Look for brighter colours in what you are wearing, even white is a change. If you are on a budget, check out vintage clothes shops or markets.

New Mindset

A friend who loves astrology, states that your new year starts with your birth month. As April is starting this week, I am treating this as the next step and I am putting away dark colours, spring cleaning and pronouncing positive mantras. Bunches of flowers will be placed with bright pink roses in the relationship corner and bold red tulips and purple irises in the fame sector. As American writer Pearl Cleage stated,“Buying flowers is not just a way to bring home beauty. It’s an expression of confidence that better days are coming. It’s a defiant finger in the face of those naysayers who would have you believe your fortunes will never improve.”