Wandering around Lisbon for a quick visit, it is clearly an Earth element city. Beautiful tiles, Art Deco architecture and lots of cobble stones! Take a step back and look at where you live. Are you in a Metal element city such as New York, a Wood city with masses of trees around or are you in a Water element city such as Venice with lots of canals or lakes? Even review your local area to see what the general element is and it is likely to demonstrate the related energy. You can then apply Feng Shui practice.

What on Earth?

This element is stone, tiles, sand, walls and steps. I live in a Southern French town which even has a fort and lots of ancient ramparts. Earth represents grounding, a foundation and a sense of stability. It is the centre of the Bagua map and the centre of your place. This should be kept clean and clear and Wood or Metal partner elements can also be used there. The Water element is not recommended as it ‘muddies’ the Earth aspects.


Silver and Gold

The Metal element is about clarity, honesty and certainty. New York is a great example of this with metal skyscrapers and vertical living. It is also known as a challenging city with its reputation as a blunt, hard energy to manage. Having lived there, I have seen this in action. However, the surrounds of water can ‘polish’ and soften the bluntness and part of me is still there. Interestingly, metal is associated with the Travel and Helpful People Bagua sector and Manhattan definitely offers those qualities. Adding Fire elements can melt the Metal energy, a note to be aware of.


Into the Woods

Whilst we rarely see wooden houses, there are cities and towns with lots of parks or ‘green lung’ spaces for urban living. Trees, gardens and picnic areas represent growth, energy and a vitality. Too much of the Wood element can exhaust people and have the opposite effect which seems to be counterintuitive. There is usually a balance with the Earth element to stabilise the growth and many choose this to be the ideal space to live in. Too much of a Metal element will ‘cut’ down the Wood energy, so best to ensure you balance your space.


Rock Me on the Water

The sea, lakes, canals and any body of water is a favourite element. It can be instantly calming and soothing to a high level of energy. Feng Shui practice would say it polishes the bluntness of Metal, adds to Wood for growth but can muddy the Earth aspect and definitely put out the Fire element! Living near a beach is perfect for many of us even in cooler months. One of the lesser known aspects of Berlin, is that it has so many lakes to visit and they are really lovely. The sea was always a place recommended by doctors to recuperate from general illnesses. Soft waves are often the favourite background noise for meditations and even just sitting on the beach rugged up can offer a sense of calm.

On Fire

Notice that this element is missing. Not sure there is a Fire city as that would be difficult to manage. the Fire element is supported by the Wood element as it feeds the energy and add ashes to the Earth element but of course, adding Water elements will douse out the energy level.

Final Thoughts

Feng Shui practice would suggest that you view what kind of element you resonate with. Some would love a high-rise modern apartment and others would prefer a treehouse full of stone and wood. I love a Water element. It is all about balance and finding your interior harmony.