‘There is a shade of red for every woman”, said Audrey Hepburn. Not for me. I wore a red t-shirt once and for half-an-hour I felt I could take on the world. After another 30 minutes, I felt I was going to take on the world! It is a colour of energy and as a fast talker and walker, cooler, calmer colours are best for my yin/yang balance. A bit of water douses out the flame. That being said, we are on the cusp of Christmas and red is turning up in the stores as we run towards the end of another strange year. As a friend discussed, it is as if most of us have been like a dog, turning three times around in an old bed, trying to get comfortable but not quite achieving it. So, let’s talk about using the colour red, as many love it.

What Does Red Say?

It is stimulating in all shades and said to raise the blood pressure, enhance respiration and metabolism and give a sense of power. Remember red ties in the business world. A little goes a long way. It is also a primary colour and how often is it seen in junior schools and kindergartens which seems counterproductive! Red is also associated with romance particularly around Valentine’s Day with red and pink roses and over-the-top boxes of chocolates. It can be a colour associated with fun as seen in theatre, dance and art and a clear cherry tone can make you want to skip a step.


Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui practice would suggest being careful where you use red as it is partnered with the Fire Element. As on the Bagua map, it is ideal in the far middle of your whole living space in the Fame sector. I have other posts on this area but shades of terracotta, red and burgundy are good to use in this area. I have placed small red ornaments or added red flowers to add a touch but if it is a colour you love, go ahead and paint a wall, add leather or faux animal skin which are elements in this area and art work with shades or red. Even a few red cushions can be enough. Keep in mind that Fire puts out Water so it isn’t ideal in the Water sectors of Career, Travel and Helpful People or the centre of your home which is the Earth element. Fire douses Water and muddies Earth. Wood can feed Fire which can be a good partnership but not too much as it is seen to burn up energy. We have had a burgundy kitchen in a rental apartment that was in the Fame sector and it was really smart and I did get a new position quickly. However, it is normally in a living area or bedroom. Just remember it is all about balance.

Those Christmas Decorations

Okay, some go all out with trees, lights, red baubles and candles. Particularly when the weather is cold and the night starts earlier in the day. We need as much warmth and sense of fun as we can get. Use the Bagua map and see what colours best suit which area. I will buy a small but chic red decoration and put it in the Fame corner to offer an accent but the Wealth sector will have lots of rich, green decoration happening. Our living room is in the relationship corner and there will a range of decorations in soft beige, ivory and a bit of rose to match the Earth element and colour. Cézanne said in his era, that he was living in a ‘rainbow of chaos’. Very apt for now but search for a balance as we are all seeking interior harmony.