Charles Schulz said, “All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt.” Today is Valentine’s Day, a day when many seek affirmation of love and happiness. Some friends have the full blown romantic dinner with chocolate hearts, another friend made heart-shaped pizzas with his two daughters and my husband as always, started my morning off with a cup of coffee in my favourite cup with just the right amount of milk. In 2021, relationships are key to supporting many of us getting through a bewildering time. Some friends are separated by water from the ones they love, some have had to go solo and not always their choice, and others are wondering how they will find that special person in these times of mainly online communication. It isn’t easy and some have asked about Feng Shui practice with the relationship corner.

First Things First

I always say Feng Shui isn’t magic or a miracle cure, it helps you set your intent and focus. If a relationship is your focus then you need to have a good hard look at the far right hand corner of your living space. Even if you live in a single room or a studio, step into that space, look at that sector and see what needs activating. The key element is Earth and think stone colours in the decor. Metal elements and the related colour, white, can be added as well as metal is strongly connected with the earth. Think of the lifecycle, fire burns to create ash which is earth, earth is often stone and sand which helps create metal. If your bedroom is in another sector of the Bagua map, use the related Colour and Element there. We have had bedrooms in the travel and helpful people corner with soft grey and white and also in the family sector using tones of green. If this sector is a living room, dining room or balcony, still set it up as a place for two.


Whatever room is in this area, the key colour is pink and rose and for many people, that colour is not going to be the answer. However, if you can find art work with hints of that colour in the background, that is good enough. Mix it up with white and ivory; a soft lemon shade can also be added as it represents the earth. In our apartment, it is in our main bedroom and we have  a tan and ivory combination with Art Deco art work in colours of earth and a hint of rose. In past apartments, lemon linen cushions have been added. One note of caution from Feng Shui practitioners is too avoid peach – it is said to state that you are single!


Go for pairs and that includes lamps, bedside tables, art work of birds, people and any other ornaments. Think about what is being said. I have seen relationship corners with a very aggressive picture, or only the decor of one of the people in the relationship and one apartment had a mainly red living area. All of the relationships disintegrated. Some may say that has nothing to do with Feng Shui, it is life but Feng Shui followers would say that those images and decor sent a message of fire and aggression in the relationship sector.

I Live in a Studio

Many friends live in cities with tiny spaces to rent. Your studio or room can still function with the Bagua Map. A friend has a studio and had her laundry in the relationship corner. She moved that out and rearranged the space to have the sofa there with two cushions in a coffee colour and put up a print of two Chinese birds in soft rose colours. No, she hasn’t immediately found someone but she says it feels the space is now balanced and for her it has created more inner harmony.