An interior designer, Jan Showers, stated that, “every room needs a touch of black just as it needs at least one antique piece”. It is all about how to use positive or negative space which can be white or black which allows the other colour to really stand out. It can be really dramatic or simple and calm and there are so many tones of white and black that can be blended for a chic combination. Before getting started, there are some key decisions to make first:


  • What style are you going for – modern, shabby chic, Art Deco or country style?
  • Is it a minimalist approach or highly decorated?
  • Which is the dominant colour – black or white?
  • Think of the natural light in the room and the other light available and how that affects the shade chosen
  • Decide on which shades of black and white – some will have a warmer undertone, others will be cooler

Feng Shui First

Black represents the colour of water and is usually used in the Career and the Travel and Helpful People sectors. It is about keeping the flow going. Deep greys can be used as well. White partners with the Metal element which is great in the Communication and Creativity sector. In Feng Shui practice, water polishes metal – think of glass becoming sand, making black and white a great partnership. It isn’t recommended to put these colours in areas of Fire – water puts out fire and too much water can muddy the Earth element sectors. It is why a bathroom isn’t ideal if it is in the centre of the house or apartment.

White is It

If White is the dominant colour – remember the 60% dominant colour, 30% secondary and 10% accent colour formula. I prefer to lean towards the warmer ivory tones rather than what my French friends call ‘hospital white’. Keep in mind the use of the room, if it has high traffic coming through,  it is harder to keep the white white. If you have pets, children or just messy people in the space, white sofas and rugs will show up dirt quickly and look dingy and you will become best friends with your drycleaner! Consider using accessories instead with cushions, curtains and ornaments. Painting furniture in ivory can also be a great backdrop for ornaments and black accessories as the secondary colour.

Black is Black

Black is a strong colour to use and enamel black paint can look amazing. A painted small table or chair, or a set of ornamental boxes can really stand out but make sure good quality paint is used. The Art Deco interior design signature is a classic combination of black, white and either silver or gold. Don’t be afraid to buy black ornaments and accessories and group them together. Textured and patterned accessories can soften the style if it looks too hard. Look for woollens, faux fur and light linens to add a gentler feel. Then if it all becomes too monochromatic, step back, add a pop of colour, piece of wood or metal and get some dramatic flowers!