The power of a bouquet of flowers. We are only as strong as our community and many are going through tough times. This week I was reminded of this. I finally got our French taxes, paid them and then found out the bank details on the tax site were wrong. It was the end of a frustrating day but in two hours, my wonderful German bank manager stopped the payment, my French real estate agent advised me, even the tax dept helped a bit! And my husband bought me flowers. I kissed the money goodbye and was thankful for my community. Next day, my German bank manager phoned me; she had watched my account and the money was there! I sent her the biggest bouquet and in return she said that it made her day as she had had a difficult week. It was a simple gesture but well received.

Flower Power

In past centuries, flowers were symbolic and you could send a message, good or bad, via the flowers you picked. Fortunately, we are not so fastidious! In other times such as the Victorian era, there was a whole language of flowers and orange blossom was definitely for weddings. In the hippy 70s of the West, the daisy became a symbol of peace. In other cultures, chrysanthemums and carnations symbolise death as do white lilies in Britain. Red flowers in Asia are considered lucky while pink are often associated with romance in many cultures. So you may want to think carefully before selecting flowers!

Flowers in Feng Shui

As with all colours, check out the Bagua map. White flowers resonate with the Metal element, red and pinks with the Relationship corner and Fire element, green with any Wood element, yellows and oranges as part of the Earth element and rich purples, pinks and blues for the Wealth sector. You get the picture. Feng Shui practice prefers live flowers as dried bouquets are seen to symbolise death especially if hung upside down! Silk or natural fibre flowers are welcome but twisted pieces of wood and dead plants are off the list, so avoid these if you can.



I am usually hopeless with indoor plants but I was recommended a plant called ‘Gold Dust’ for my wealth corner – which is in a strange angled corner. I bought an expensive blue Chinese pot and carefully potted the plant. So far, so good! It is growing and I try not to over water it. Avoid spiky plants, look for rounded leaves and of course, happy bamboo, small cumquat trees, the Money Tree plant and orchids are considered to have positive energy.


Tips & Tricks

  • With cut flowers, ask the florist how to manage them when you get them home;
  • Cut ends off roses before putting them in a vase;
  • Add the flower salts given but avoid if you have animals; our cats love to try the water and the salts would make them ill;
  • Check plants and flowers for your animals, some are poisonous;
  • Keep vase water fresh;
  • Renew flowers by cutting stems and take off dead leaves and flowers;
  • Don’t over water or neglect and good luck!