Kahlil Gibran said that “in one drop of water are found all the secrets of the ocean”. We are both feeling a bit tense with all that is going on, aside from the virus issue! Selling furniture whilst trying to balance out the Feng Shui of the apartment. Letting go of memories, revisiting others and having one eye on a To Do List that doesn’t seem to be decreasing quickly enough! Late afternoon, we kayaked around a lake and for a short while, forgot what was happening on the shore. Water is the one element which gives both of us an instant dose of calm even if it doesn’t last as long as we would wish. It can be a river, lake or the sea and a kayak, boat or a ferry. There is something in the air around a body of water that releases the anxiety.

Water in Feng Shui

Feng Shui translates to Wind and Water, the life energies that flow around us. I have posted about the Water element before and it is a key part of the Feng Shui cycle and Bagua Map. Water is about emotion and nurturing growth but it can also be about muddying the earth and overstimulating the senses. Think calm waterfalls rather than rushing rapids. It can stimulate part of your space but can also drain it so it is important to consider where and how you use it but this doesn’t mean putting fountains everywhere! If you think about it logically, Water puts out Fire so you wouldn’t use it in the Fire sector of Career and Reputation without consulting a Feng Shui expert. Water turns the Earth element in to mud and it is best to avoid having a bathroom or water feature in the middle of your place or in your relationship corner. Water nurtures Wood to grow and polishes the Metal element and with careful use can activate the Career sector and the Self Knowledge and Family sectors. It is all about the cycle.

Water Benefits

Isak Dinesen said, “The cure for anything is salt water: sweat, tears or the sea”. There is a reason why we are drawn to water and I like to think there is some connection with the fact that a large percentage of our brain is water. There is an interesting book that I need to read called the Blue Mind, by Wallace Nichols. He states that we need access to bodies of water to counteract the “red mind” – a state of anxiety created by the urban way we live and work. Aside from the minerals in the air, it is interesting how many meditations use soothing water sounds as a backdrop of ‘white noise’ to create a sense of calm. At the moment, it is all about inner peace and harmony.