When selling your stuff there is a reality check first – remember that your stuff either hasn’t been used, has been in storage or is just not going to fit in your next place. Another factor to consider is you are not going to get what you paid for it. This is hard when people offer you ridiculous prices for really nice pieces. I really struggle with this when I am offered 3 euros for a tray that even had the original price tag of 24 euros on it! You just have to let go. This is our final Berlin market and we have rented a stall this weekend. Anything left will go to the local charity store.


Feng Shui Benefits

You will have read other posts on the practice of clearing out clutter and anything that doesn’t resonate with you. Marie Kondo has certainly added to this practice! For Feng Shui believers, you are clearing out old energy and allowing new energy in to your life. A couple of friends recently said that due to being confined, they were clearing out cupboards and found it to be psychologically rewarding as they had found their stuff to be a burden. Don’t try and do it all at once, do a cupboard and a room one by one otherwise you will just put it all back in. Or get a friend to support you. I once helped a friend donate five versions of the same black dress and several pairs of jeans amongst other duplicated items.

Online Selling

I must admit, I am not great at this but I have used various Facebook forums. Others are highly successful on eBay and other internet selling methods. The key points are to put a price and be willing to negotiate or wait. Unfortunately, IKEA has given good furniture a poor rating to sell. I have been asked to let people know when I am giving it away for free! Or, there is the $20 offer as if they are doing me a favour. I usually wait and have been fortunate to sell. Otherwise, I prefer to give to charity shops as well.

Market Stalls

We had one this weekend. They are tiring and we tend to last half the time and then decide when to go home. It needs stamina! We get there as early as possible to set up. Make sure you are organised and work out where the parking is to easily carry boxes and bags back and forth. Have a bottle of water and a snack as it is tiring.

You will find dealers will get there early and will appear like birds. They may try to buy while you are unpacking which can cause you to get flustered. Make sure there are two of you there and take your time. Group items by clothing, household goods and separate toys, books and other items. Work out your sale price. I am a $5 to $10 person until I am ready to leave. I also try to stick to a price if I think it is worth it. At some stage, you just have to ask, do I want to take it home? If not, reduce the price.

Final Tips

  • Work out how much you are prepared to sell it for – this will determine where you should sell the item
  • Online – make sure you are comfortable with a price to negotiate, ensure you have the correct area on the advert
  • With markets, watch for the weather, get a good stall location and be prepared to bargain
  • And finally, let it go!