Well here we are with life back to normal and yet there is the breath of anxiety on our necks and either cautious interaction or a decision to proceed as if nothing has happened. What have we to say to each other now that has any importance? It is times like these that I need an interior and internal balance and we come full cycle in the world of Feng Shui. There is a sense of change in the air, a chance to create something better but as Tolstoy said, ‘everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself’. Now is the time to get back to Feng Shui basics.

Clear Your Space

A golden rule of Feng Shui is to declutter. This is very satisfying and by clearing out old Chi (energy) we are opening the door to allow new Chi in to our lives. First stop, wardrobes and drawers. Make three piles, one to keep and often about connecting with memories, one to sell, one to donate. After all, how many hats do you really need or wear? Pull everything out and start again. As we will move in the near future to France, we have been slowly selling some furniture. While it is sad, it is also liberating.

Keep It Clean

Feng Shui practice loves cleansing a space with one exception – it is said not to dust under the main bed if a couple want to have children! I am not so sure about that idea! Open windows, clean out the fridge, paint that wall, repair that window and all will be balanced. We also washed the car as that is part of your Chi, your energy. Also, clean and clear your front door. This is called the mouth of your space and should be free of shoes, umbrellas and coats.

Use the Bagua Map

I have plenty of posts on how to use the Bagua map and it is likely that you already have some knowledge. However, a refresher is always good as it reminds you what the space is for. I have been working remotely anyway for five years but recently started sharing the space with my husband. We have both been holding online meetings in our spare bedroom which is in the Helpful People & Travel sector. This is an important area for work and also for us moving to France as working in this room activates this energy. People often have spare rooms, don’t forget to use them otherwise, that energy for that sector becomes stagnant.


Now We Can Get Started

You have cleaned, cleared and checked the Bagua map. So sit down and ask yourself what do you need? Once you have defined the answer, you can activate the key areas of your place to add a balance for these needs. I always say that while Feng Shui supports your life choices, it isn’t going to fix everything. You have to focus and create opportunities to activate this choice. Some like to use vision boards, others note in journals and some say daily affirmations. Some key Feng Shui questions:

  • How do I attract a good career? – check where your career sector is and what that space is saying. This area is usually the back space in the middle of your place. The colours are usually red and the key element is Fire.
  • How do I attract a partner or relationships? – this sector is usually the far right corner from your front door. Colours such as pink, red, white and yellow enhance that sector.
  • How do I attract wealth – that is the far left corner, with the colours of rich blue and green and the element of wood.

Help, I Rent!

You can still balance your rental place. First ask your owner to see if they are ok if you paint. Some are fine as long as you return the colour to the original state. If you can’t paint, look at what you can hide with fabric and furniture. If you have read my blog, you will know that I once rented a shabby apartment that had had a water leak the week before I moved in. I was only there for eight months fortunately. I painted and I was able to throw away the old greasy pots and broken glasses. I went to a favourite shop, Zara Home, and bought lovely crockery, linen and, with new lamps, it made the apartment more bearable. Let me know if you need any help but remember it is all about starting anew and reconnecting.