Cherry blossom is out, the cafes are re-opening and we are cautiously meeting friends at a distance. Coming out of the Covid lockdown is not unlike the first hints of spring. Tentative steps are taken and appreciation of small tokens such as meeting for a coffee are considered. Choices that were taken away are now a possibility again. While I normally focus on Feng Shui and our interior space, it is at this moment that the exterior holds much more attraction. So, throw open the windows and look out in to the world again and embrace the air.

We are so grateful that we have had mostly blue skies and a hint of a warm sun these last weeks. As I sit here writing, there is a gentle, constant rain much needed to fill lakes and quench the trees’ thirst. Summer is around the corner and beckons and it is with hope that we venture outside. We still need to take care but it is with joy that we see some sort of normality slowly return. Whatever you pray to, have faith in regardless of religion, beliefs and philosophy, let us hope we get the answers we are seeking and that we continue to cherish each other.