Writing a post at the moment, with all of the virus anxiety happening, seems a bit frivolous as we worry about what we can’t control. Research on how to reduce anxiety in a time of crisis states that colour therapy is helpful. Colour therapists recommend that we stop wearing black and put on something colourful and look for colour in our living space. So, paint a wall, add a bright cushion and turn on the fairy lights – create a sense of light and space. Here are some other tips to help with anxiety.

  1. Meditation with deep breathing – it slows down the flight or fight response.
  2. Obviously, eat properly, cut down on the alcohol and sugar fixes – although a cocktail and piece of chocolate is tempting!
  3. Some recommend keeping a diary to write down your feels getting them out of your mind.
  4. Contact friends – we seem to have forgotten how to use Skye and WhatsApp, relying on texting!
  5. Stress objects – not sure about this one but the old worry beads, stretchy toys, knitting, are supposed to help.
  6. Watching comedy as it is supposed to reduce the levels of cortisol which is the key stress hormone.
  7. List the events, items, friends in your life you appreciate and are grateful for.
  8. Think of a ‘happy place’ – mine is the beach and hearing waves on the shore.


Green is the colour of nature, plants, trees and is associated with health and heal thing. It should be a true colour, not muddy with a yellow base and not too cold with a blue base. Soft pastel shades are also used to calm and balance.




Yellow is the color which is all about the sun and health. Colour therapy recommends yellow for the digestive system and muscles. I love a soft lemon shade and its immediate images of summer.




Red and Orange

These are bright colours and associated with energy and stimulation. I find too much jangles me but then I have friends who find shades of blue depressing. Colour therapy suggests that the red is a cherry or crimson colour for a pure red and the orange is bright rather than muddy. Red is said to stimulate the brain, nervous systems and adrenal glands and orange is good for stiffness, lungs and infection. They basically wake you up to get you going!



Blue causes most people to relax and the thought of the sea and summer sky is instantly uplifting. Colour therapy suggests a sky blue or a pastel tone but not too grey as this can be depressing. It is said to soothe the nerves and is used for meditation.




Black and White

These are not considered to be real colours but both offer a background for other colours to shine. White is associated with cleanliness, simplicity and purity and is said to reflect other colours. Black isn’t seen to be an actual colour but is seen as absorbing colour and while too much can be depressing, it is the colour of the night and sleep.