Recently, friends have been moving out of their old place and in to a new space. It is a time to say goodbye to past experiences and move forward to welcome the new. Most of us move due to a new stage in life, job or due to unforeseen events. So it is important in Feng Shui practice, to thank your home, let go of what happened and embrace your next living environment.

Say Goodbye

This is the opportunity to declutter and to sell or donate possessions. I always recommend those who are moving on from the past, to consider getting rid of the reminders. I had a friend looking for a new life as her partner had died. She moved apartments and took reminders that she placed around the new space. She asked what she needed to do to attract new relationships and after I gently pointed out all of the photos and memories, she quietly put them away in a box. She moved on to find a new partner and eventually held a ceremony to let go. We have all had furniture and ‘stuff’ that we have accumulated, inherited or been given. If you are able, sell or donate what you can. I have no problem with re-gifting either, and before anyone says that is terrible, we are in a world that faces significant recycling issues. It is better to pass on a lovely gift that doesn’t suit you. If you are not comfortable with this, donate it to Oxfam or other similar organisations.

Clear Your Energy

Once you have moved out completely, clean the space thoroughly. I have done this with every place we have lived in and it has always been appreciated. Take an incense stick of sage or frankincense and wander around each room thanking the space and saying goodbye. Yes, it will feel silly but it is harmless and I always feel good doing this. Open each cupboard, go in to each corner and let go. If you have a specific goal such as a new start, relationship, career or general life, state an intention around this. Open the windows and let in fresh air.

Moving In

Ideally, before you move in to your new space, clean it from top to bottom stating that you are cleaning out all old energy. Using a stick of sage or frankincense incense, move through each area, open up cupboards, go in to corners and state your intention. A good phrase is ‘I release all negative energy and welcome new energy in to my new home.’ Use the Bagua map and set up your home. I usually make the bed with new linen and pillows and my husband makes the first meal and we set the intention that this is a place that in spite of what is happening outside, in which we have created Inner Harmony.