I had a depressed colleague who’s office coffee mug stated – ‘I am just a step away from madness’! I didn’t have to comment but another colleague did, and also pointed out that her office art print was Dali’s melting pocket watch! Images are powerful sub-conscious statements in the Feng Shui world. While I am not advocating lots of pictures and notes with positive affirmations, each to their own, but a bit much at times, look around and check out what your ‘stuff” is stating. What message are you sending to others and your inner self? A previous post talks about artwork and photos, https://interiorharmonyblog.com/2019/05/26/feng-shui-basics-art-work-photos/ this post looks at the details, the smaller items and ornaments that can affect your mood and day.

Of course, I will mention the Bagua Map as the placement of small pieces can also affect the sector where you place them so check out if you have put lots of Metal in a Wood sector – metal cuts down wood – cuts down growth energy. However; I want to focus on images and colours more than the elements.

What Are You Looking at Right Now

Not the TV or a screen but the coffee cup, any messaging nearby, art work and photos. I have a favourite yellow coffee cup that always brightens my morning. It is odd as I am not normally a fan of yellow, preferring blues and aquas but this was a gift and it is sunny and cheerful. The colour yellow in Feng Shui practice equates to the Fire element if bright or the Earth element of being grounded if more lemon and pastel. I realised that I do find this coffee cup grounding as it starts my day and is an instant lift.

What Do I Need

Let’s be honest here, don’t expect miracles but expect clarification. Feng Shui practitioners recommend that you clearly define what you need. You may state you would like an increase in wealth for example. Have a goal, why do you need more wealth and what does wealth mean to you? Some see wealth only as money whilst others see it is as abundance in many areas. Look at the Bagua sector such as the Wealth Sector but also activate the Travel & Helpful People, Relationship and also Career sectors. If you are looking for a relationship, what kind do you want? Define that and then put images and messages that resonate with that need and goal. My Feng Shui mentor, Clear Englebert, and I think alike. You don’t need to go and buy a range of Chinese Feng Shui cures such as golden galleons and frogs. There are other images that will satisfy the same requirement.

Of course, you need to take action to achieve these goals – start putting money away, look at what you already have before buying the same. I recently went clothes shopping with this in mind and only bought two items in a sale which I have already worn. You have heard of the stories with people owning 10 different black t-shirts! Review your current relationships including friendships: do they work for both parties and do you have the same understanding of that relationship?

Let me know of any examples and changes you have made!