Paintings, prints and photos are so personal. In the world of Feng Shui, they are statements and images of what is happening and possibly influencing your life. There are many stories of people looking for a partner and needing to replace art work of single people, flowers and sad images. Have a look at what the art work and ornaments are saying in your space. You may want to replace or move them around.

Start with the Bagua map to see what colours and symbols match the specific sector and also their partners.  Remember the five elements of Water, Earth, Wood, Fire and Metal. Look at partnerships – water feeds wood, wood feeds fire, fire becomes earth, metal is polished by earth. Then consider those to avoid; fire melts wood and drains water, metal cuts down wood, water muddies earth.

Inner Knowledge

Obvious images are of peace and calm. However, I have seen art work that could be perceived as lonely and depressing! I have a buddha here with a lovely Japanese painting with a gentle landscape with two obis offering gentle patterns. We painted the inner main door a lovely powder blue and echoed the Asian feel with our ‘lamp’ light fitting. In our tiny French apartment, we had two ceramic cats identical to our real cats and two prints; one of a 1930s woman in bathing costume and one of a man as well. This gives a sense of inner joy with a holiday feel.

Health and Family

Pictures of lovely plants, trees, wood and communities are great in this area. Ensure that the plants don’t send a message of being single or alone. Wooden frames and greens are ideal to use as well. Baskets of fruit and flowers are lovely as well but avoid the colours of white, grey and black as they partner with the Metal element which is said to cut down Wood.

Wealth and Prosperity

This is also a Wood sector and the same applies with plants, trees, wood and the idea of growth. Sometimes, people mistakenly put gold or silver elements here as they can signify wealth. This clashes as Metal cuts down Wood. Use rich blues, purples and tropical greens. Our past Berlin apartment had a strange corner in this area and we chose an expensive baby blue Schaub Lorenz fridge freezer to put there. It was the Water element and it drew the eye to this area. We placed a small round stone fountain and a lovely plant there called a Dracaena Gold Dust. This was recommended by my mentor, Clear Englebert. We  also ordered a large blue and white floral plant pot to encourage it to flourish.

Fame and Reputation

This sector has the Fire element and is all about strength, respect and your image. I am not a fan of red, rather preferring blues and white. To enhance this area, there are two lovely Malaysian paintings focussing on a fruit harvest, and the wooden frames are in a brushed silver and rose. Consider animal pictures here and images that signify fame and reputation to you. Consider abstract paintings matching the colours of this sector.


Always images of two; two people, birds or flowers. Silk flowers are also a possibility but ensure the colours are correct. Soft rose and pinks, white and yellow all partner with the Earth element. Wood is also a great partner as is Metal. We have images of couples.

Communication and Creativity

Lots of white, grey and metal here! Think of fun images and a sense of light. They should be inspiring or give a focus and avoid the colours of fire and wood here.

Travel and Helpful People

Maps, travel images, pictures or photos of places you love or would like to visit. Put them in black and white, soft grey colours and frame in greys and white. Consider people you admire but as always, check with yourself or a friend on what the image actually says to them as an outsider. In both apartments, we have travel images and some wonderful memories of where we have lived, in black and white photos.



Career and Life Path

This is all about water and metal and the colours of white, grey, black and deep petrol blue. Look for pictures of gentle waterfalls, if the image is too active, it can send a rushed energy message. Look for images that match your career path or goals.