The bathroom is one of the big three rooms; kitchen, bathroom and bedroom. It is interesting that in Feng Shui, this room is seen as one to manage due to water and drainage being aligned with loss of energy and wealth. In Western culture, it is seen as a spa of relaxation and calm. As with the kitchen, first see where it is placed on the Bagua Map as that will help with choosing colours and elements. Don’t forget to consider the complimentary elements as well which will help balance the chi energy. My mentor, Clear Englebert, has an excellent section on Bathrooms in his book, Feng Shui Demystified. 


Inner Knowledge – This is a difficult one as having the bathroom door across from the main door is saying that the Chi comes straight in to the bathroom and down the drain. Modern houses often have a bathroom near the front of the home which is not considered ideal in Feng Shui practice. If you have one there, keep it really clean, keep the door closed, the toilet lid down and if you can, even screen it off to divert the chi away and in to another room. Also, keep away from putting water colours and elements in there, put wood and stone to ‘soak up’ the water element. Don’t forget that glass is considered to be a water element as well.

Family & Health – This area has the Feng Shui element of wood and the colour green and can partner well with the water/white elements of the bathroom. However, it is generally an area to avoid if you can.

Abundance & Prosperity – Wealth is seen to be going down the drain. This is not a great area for the bathroom but sometimes this is what is built. Add the most expensive accessories you can afford and lots of purple and wood to ‘soak up’ the water. Set it up as a spa and send out the intention that this keeps the wealth and prosperity chi in the space.

Fame & Reputation – Also not an ideal location and likely to be opposite your front door or at least have a view of the bathroom. If you can, deflect the chi energy via a screen, or in a way that the chi energy wanders in to other parts of the space first before the bathroom. Fire is the element and a recommendation would be to build up the 5 elements of earth (stone), wood, fire, water and metal to balance all elements. Red or green towels and accessories will help.

Relationships & Marriage – Soft stone, ceramics and touches of buttermilk colours, even yellow blend well with wood elements. Make sure there are two of everything including any art work to represent relationships.

Creativity & Children – Using white and grey paired with the elements of metal and water is effective. Also, have fun in this area as it is about being playful and creative.

Helpful People & Travel – Use the colours of white, grey and black which are really smart in a bathroom. As it is the travel area, put in black and white photos of food from around the world. Tip: don’t put a Buddha statue here. 

Career & Life Path – Our Berlin bathroom was here and it worked well with white, dark grey, light grey and metal. Our tiny French apartment had some dark brown and I have added white and touches of black to bring in partnership with the metal element and the elements of earth (stone) and water.

And then there is the centre – personally, I would avoid having a bathroom here as it is considered the key health area of your home. Make sure you get a good Feng Shui expert such as mine (Clear Englebert), to help you balance the placement of elements. This is the heart of your space and needs careful consideration.

Key Feng Shui Tips

  • Clean, clean, clean
  • Keep all drains plugged and clean to keep the chi from going ‘down the drain’
  • The toilet lid should always be closed
  • Fix any leaks and smells
  • From various books, it is generally not recommended to put a Buddha statue near the toilet