You will always find me in the kitchen at parties sang Jona Lewie. The kitchen is one of the top three areas to really manage in the Feng Shui world. It is the area where we nourish ourselves, create food for others and where people love to chat.

First see where it is placed on the Bagua Map as that will help with choosing colours and elements. Don’t forget to consider the complimentary elements as well which will help balance out the chi energy. Also, don’t panic, there are solutions as no kitchen is perfect unless you had it installed. Carefully use art work and images and there are always solutions!



Inner Knowledge – It is not ideal to have your kitchen right at your front door however sometimes this is the case. Consider blues, greens and the element of Earth with Wood as a partner element.

Family & Health – This is a great area to have a kitchen as it is about nourishing your body, family and friends. My kitchens in Berlin and France are in this area and I have mixed and matched different colours and elements. Check out my past post on the Berlin Renovation where we used soft buttermilk and cafe latte for colours with a fun sky blue fridge and accessories. For the French kitchen, it is tiny and we added touches of green and wood to soften the white and metal elements. Fast forward several years and we are back to a soft cream French style kitchen with earth elements and lovely limestone tiles.



Abundance & Prosperity – Another great area and strong blues with wood and stone are great, with the stone earth element being a partner to wood.

Fame & Reputation – While it seems to make sense to have a red kitchen, it is recommended to balance fire with wood as wood feeds fire so pull back on too much red.

Relationships & Marriage – Soft stone, ceramics and touches of buttermilk colours, even yellow blend well with wood elements. Make sure there are two of everything including any art work to represent relationships.

Creativity & Children – Using white and grey paired with the elements of metal and water is effective. Also, have fun in this area as it is about being playful and creative.

Helpful People & Travel – I have had a kitchen in this area and the colours of white, grey and black are really chic. As it is the travel area, I put in my black and white photos of food from around the world.

Career & Life Path – Black, dark blue and grey  colours with white are great. Water is important here so keep your sink clean and the drains working.

And then there is the centre – personally, I would be careful with having a kitchen bang smack in the centre of your home but it can work. Make sure you get a good Feng Shui expert such as mine (Clear Englebert), to help you balance out all elements. This is the heart of your space and needs careful consideration.

The Chef’s Triangle

Any kitchen designer will talk about the kitchen traffic and the golden triangle of stove/oven, fridge and the sink. However; there are some key Feng Shui points that make sure it enhances your kitchen. Remember the Elements cycle – don’t mix water and fire but water matches metal or wood, fire feeds wood and so on.

The Stove/Oven –  is the key fire element and it is important to place it away from the sink. I have even seen a sink on top of an oven! Even without Feng Shui practices, electricity and water don’t usually mix. Check out Clear Englebert’s blog for kitchen solutions including putting a rug between the oven and sink if they are opposite each other. Microwaves – well if some scientists are not keen on them, neither am I and Feng Shui experts avoid them.

The Fridge – Our Berlin fridge was in the Wealth sector and we bought a sky blue retro looking fridge which we loved. Keep this away from the sink. We placed each area of the triangle with the fire element away from the water. Tip: having the sink next to the fridge is also something to avoid if possible as it is like double water. I have a big water boiler next to the sink in France, I have placed a heavy stone urn inside to match the earth element and to stabilise the wealth sector.

The Sink – keep it clean and clear. Replace old plugs if possible and watch for any pipes or drain issues

Top Feng Shui Kitchen Rules

Get rid of clutter –  I have seen kitchens that are overflowing with stuff, old mugs, shabby tea towels, dirty cloths and we wouldn’t treat other areas in our space in the same way. Group accessories such as cooking utensils and keep the knives in a cupboard

Keep it clean – become a little obsessed with tidying up and cleaning out drawers

Fix things – fix that leak, that strange squeak and the cupboard that doesn’t hang properly

Use all of the burners – even if you don’t cook much, rotate as it signifies that none are unused

Drains – keep them clean and covered, this represents water/wealth going down the drain

Watch for the chef’s position – cooking with the back towards the stove and the room, an easy fix is to place a reflective kettle so you can see any movement in the reflection

Happy cooking!