The Family & Health Sector

This sector is the middle left part of the Bagua map and the left centre part of your floor plan within your space. The area focuses on our family, however you define that. It is about our definition of community, for some this means relatives and for some, this is about close friendships who are the chosen family. It is often a communal area for people to meet and eat. Another focus is around your strength and health emotionally and physically, and general resilience in life.


Working with Wood

Key colours are green and blue, with the element of wood and can also include water and earth if you consider the 5 Elements cycle, wood growths in earth and water nurtures wood. Use pictures or objects that you associate with family and your community. In addition, strong metal features are to be avoided ideally as metal cuts down wood in the elements cycle.



The Kitchen

Many of you will have your kitchen in this area. Don’t panic if you have a different look, you can add elements to pull in the sector. Our Berlin kitchen was in this area and while I enjoy the colour of green and wood elements, we chose to use water and earth colours with a blue highlight.

It is important to keep this area clutter free and to avoid having any elements or colours that signify fire. If you have a fire element you are unable to change, counteract this with a water picture or element – water douses out fire. Key Feng Shui tip: don’t go overboard with one element or colour, it is all about balance.

The Office

If this sector is in your office space, consider how you connect with your colleagues, leadership and clients, your business community. They are your business family and placing objects or pictures of these relationships creates and strengthens the connection.

The Bedroom

It is a great area to use bed linen with gentle green leaves, foliage or plants growing. Bring in wood in picture frames, furniture and balance with black or blue and earth or stone colours to have the perfect triad of earth, wood, water.



It is Missing!

Some of you may have this sector missing if you have a U shaped house or apartment. Remember, you can remedy this by using a small mirror with the mirror side facing inwards and place it against the key wall stating, “this extends the wall to include the Family and Health Sector”. It is all about intention and setting the Chi energy.  Friends have a balcony in this area and they have placed lovely small trees, others have created indoors herb gardens.