Hunting for Treasure

I love flea markets, flohmarkts and brocantes – the chance of finding that perfect piece to add your space. Key items I look out for; cocktail glasses, teacups, Art Deco and 1940s dishes and silverware. Another friend looks out for clothes, buttons, vintage bags and another only buys small boxes. Different markets offer different styles and you will find the one that suits you.



Some key tips to follow

  • Find the market that suits your style – furniture, shabby chic, modern, cheap and cheerful
  • Get there half an hour before the official opening time, the dealers will be with you looking for bargains
  • Have cash, you can strike a deal
  • If you are serious, get to know sellers, they often have websites, shops or will let you know when they get new items
  • For objects –  look for hallmarks, stamps, chips, don’t be taken in by reproductions
  • If you love it, negotiate but buy it – it will sell
  • You can always paint it

Some of My Favourites

There are so many wonderful markets around but I tend to revisit the same ones as they usually have what I like. Here are some of my favourites in different cities, feel free to let me know any others!

New York

Brooklyn Market (Weekends) – tutus, bottles, life size Statue of Liberty, what more could you want? There is some great furniture offered as well and recycled ceiling tin tiles.




Chelsea Market (All week) – more a pop-up but there are some vintage stalls for the 1970s vintage seekers. You will find a stall recycling old typewriter letters in to cufflinks, rings and other jewellery. My favourite is Kimberley Jewellery who makes wonderful items that look like coral or leaves.




Monday Brocante – 1940s genuine fashion prints, shabby chic chandeliers, French linen. Lovely silver brushes, dishes and of course, cocktail glasses. I am giving away a secret – there is a stall with wonderful early 19th century to 1970s fashion plates. The seller has a range from perfume, clothes, cars, drinks and advertising that are great to browse through. I am definitely addicted to this stall!



Strasse des 17 Juni (Weekends) – just a note, be careful of reproductions. There is a whole lot on offer, German Art Deco silver, coloured glass, funky glasses, vintage clothes. There are lots of stalls here so you will need to browse carefully. It gets very busy on a Sunday so I recommend you get there early and find what you need. There is also an increase in Russian porcelain with delicate patterns for those who like a floral theme.


Arkonaplatz (Weekends)- vintage furniture, brass initials, funky 70s lights, retro tables, some ‘cheap and cheerful’ stalls but as they say, one person’s junk is another person’s treasure! I bought 6 genuine French cafe chairs here.





Scheduled brocantes (you will need to check) – French pink teacups, silver brushes, genuine Louis XVI chairs. I once saw a full 12 piece ornate silver punch set. Definitely a must for those with an eye for shabby chic. I picked up six 1930s cocktail glasses that I still love.