Self Knowledge & Cultivation

“There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that’s your own self.” – Aldous Leonard Huxley. It is likely that your front door opens in to this section as does mine. This is an area often overlooked being the area for skills, self study and understanding of other parts of your life. It can involve study, developing knowledge and also, finding a better sense of your world.

Key Feng Shui tip: sometimes your front door opens straight to a staircase, or has the ‘corridor effect’ resulting in the Chi energy rushing out the back door or a window, especially in Europe. This means the energy goes straight down and out the back without stopping to move around your home and space. Slow the Chi down, remedies could be – place a small table or bookcase which attracts attention, hang a crystal ball or pendant light, put a standing lamp all the wall, interesting pictures to look at – more about this in later remedies.


Earth, Wood & Water

The key element is earth and the element cycle of wood and water works well in this area.  This is a good place to put a small, gentle fountain – choose one wisely! The water mustn’t stagnate, gush, overflow or have a light underneath adding a fire element. If a fountain isn’t for you, find a picture of a gentle waterfall or an image that says to you that this is the ‘fountain of knowledge’. A wooden bookcase with self knowledge books is an option but remember to avoid clutter.

I’ve Got the Blues

Colours to use are deep blue, green or black or a combination. Feng Shui tip: the Bagua map matches colours with elements so note, fire colours would not be recommended in this area. Some of you, not me, may not warm to these colours. If this is the case, add hints of these colours in black picture frames, a blue vase, rugs. It doesn’t have to dominate. It is all about activating the energy, the Chi, of this area.

The Kitchen

If your kitchen is here, there is potential that you could be a good cook! Think expertise and lots of cook books. As with the bathroom, it is a key area of your space and there will be a post about them but keep them clean and uncluttered. Feng Shui tip: I know you love them but keep those magnets and pictures off the fridge, I haven’t seen anyone able to stop at one!



The Bathroom

I have had a bathroom in this sector and it is a good placement. There will be a post on bathrooms as it is a key area in your space and considered by Feng Shui experts to have potential to drain whatever sector it is in. Keep the bathroom clear of clutter and don’t be tempted to put lots of water elements in – there is enough there already! Think stone for earth, black and white are good and dark blue. Glass is also considered to be water so try to avoid too many panels. Feng Shui tip: keep it clean, the toilet seat should always be down, we will talk about mirrors and drains later for remedies. Ensure all water is flowing well and there are no leaks or blockages.

The Office

Of course, this is a positive area to have your office. Keep it uncluttered and hang certificates, display books of knowledge and other images that signify knowledge of your work. Treat the desk as a room, placing items around the desk in the same way using the Bagua Map. Your seat is the entrance to the desk.



It Is Missing!

Some may not have this sector as few of us live in a completely square place. Feng Shui tip: use a tiny mirror, shiny side facing in and place in the wall stating with the intention that this extends the wall to create the Self Knowledge sector. More on remedies later!